Investigation of the effect of berberines alkaloids in Coptis chinensis Franch on Bacillus shigae gr

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aa121222
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The inhibitory effects of five berberines alkaloids (BAs) from rhizoma of Coptis chinensis Franch, a traditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) herb, on Bacillus shigae (B. shigae) growth were investigated by microcalorimetry. The power-time curves of B. shigae with and without BAs were acquired; meanwhile, the extent and duration of inhibitory effects on the metabolism were evaluated by growth rate constants (k1, k2), half inhibitory ratio (IC50), maximum heat output (Pmax), and peak time (tp). The values of k1 and k2 of B. shigae in the presence of the five BAs decreased with the increasing concentrations of BAs. Moreover, Pmax was reduced, and the value of tp increased with increasing concentrations of the five drugs. The inhibitory activity varied with different drugs. IC50 of the five BAs was respectively 75 μg/mL for berberine, 90 μg/mL for coptisine, 115 μg/mL for palmatine, 220 μg/mL for epiberberine, and 400 μg/mL for jatrorrhizine. The sequence of antimicrobial activity of the five BAs: berberine > coptisine > palmatine > epiberberine > jatrorrhizine. The functional groups methylenedioxy at C2 and C3 on phenyl ring improve antimicrobial activity more strongly than methoxyl at C2 and C3 on phenyl ring. However, the effect of bacteriostasis is not significant with methylenedioxy or methoxyl at C9 and C10 on phenyl ring. The inhibitory effects of five berberines alkaloids (BAs) from rhizoma of Coptis chinensis Franch, a traditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) herb, on Bacillus shigae (B. shigae) growth were investigated by microcalorimetry. The power-time curves of B. shigae with and without BAs were acquired; meanwhile, the extent and duration of inhibitory effects on the metabolism were evaluated by growth rate constants (k1, k2), half inhibitory ratio (IC50), maximum heat output (Pmax), and peak time (tp) . The values ​​of k1 and k2 of B. shigae in the presence of the five BAs decreased with the increasing concentrations of BAs. Pmax was reduced, and the value of tp increased with increasing concentrations of the five drugs. The inhibitory activity varied IC50 of the five BAs were 75 μg / mL for berberine, 90 μg / mL for coptisine, 115 μg / mL for palmatine, 220 μg / mL for epiberberine, and 400 μg / mL for jatrorrhizine. The sequence of antimicrobial activity of the five BAs: berberine> coptisine> palmatine> epiberberine> jatrorrhizine. The functional groups methylenedioxy at C2 and C3 on phenyl ring improve antimicrobial activity more strongly than methoxyl at C2 and C3 on phenyl ring. However, the effect of bacteriostasis is not significant with methylenedioxy or methoxyl at C9 and C10 on phenyl ring.
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