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按照《中药制剂汇编》所介绍的穿心莲内酯提取方法,用本厂贮存一年的穿心莲全草提取穿心莲内酯,收率只有0.37%。我们在原工艺的基础上摸索到一条较理想的提取穿心莲内酯的新工艺。旧工艺:取穿心莲全草粗粉,分别用5倍量和4倍量的乙醇浸渍三天和二天。合并浸溃液,加入0.5%(V/V)活性炭用乙醇回流脱色。过滤后,滤液减压回收乙醇至原体积的3~5%。放置3~5天析出结晶。收集结晶后,再浓缩至原体积1/3,再放置3~5天后析出结晶。二次结晶用乙醇再重结晶得到穿心莲内酯粗品。新工艺:穿心莲全草粗粉,乙醇浸提,脱色,减压回收乙醇均同旧工艺。醇浸膏于水浴上蒸至无醇味,放凉。加入3~4倍量的冷蒸馏水,搅拌,放置过夜,滤集沉淀。沉淀中加入一倍量蒸馏水饱和的醋酸乙酯研磨,抽滤得穿心莲内酯与穿心莲总内酯混合品。用10倍量乙醇,0.5~1%活性炭回流 According to “Preparation of Chinese Pharmacopoeia” introduced by andrographolide extraction method, with the factory-year-old andrographolian extract of andrographolide, the yield was only 0.37%. We found on the basis of the original process to extract a more ideal new technology of andrographolide. The old process: Take the whole lotion of Andrographis, respectively, with 5 times the amount and 4 times the amount of ethanol impregnated three days and two days. Combined dipping liquid, add 0.5% (V / V) activated carbon with ethanol reflux bleaching. After filtration, the filtrate was recovered under reduced pressure to 3 to 5% of the original volume. Place 3 to 5 days precipitation crystallization. Crystallization after collection, and then concentrated to the original volume of 1/3, and then placed 3 to 5 days after the precipitation of crystals. The secondary crystallization with ethanol and then recrystallized to obtain the andrographolide crude. New Technology: Andrographis whole grass meal, ethanol extraction, bleaching, vacuum recovery of ethanol are the same as the old process. Alcohol extract steamed in water bath to non-alcoholic taste, let cool. Join 3 ~ 4 times the amount of cold distilled water, stirred overnight, filtered sediment. The precipitate was added twice the amount of distilled water saturated ethyl acetate grinding, filtration andrographolide and andrographolide lactone mixture. With 10 times the amount of ethanol, 0.5 ~ 1% activated carbon reflux
姜黄为姜料植物Curcuma longa L.的根茎,为一常用中药。近年来用于治疗高脂血症有较好疗效,且无毒副作用。其主要化学成分为姜黄素、去甲氧基姜黄素及二去甲氧基姜黄素。实
新生隐球菌胞壁的主要蛋白——甘露糖蛋白(MP)是介导细胞免疫(CM1)的成分之一,但其来源及致病性尚不清楚。该实验目的是确定MP在胞壁中的定位及其参与CM1的成份。 Mannopro