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简评:“自然之声便是诗”,这是这篇短文的要义。自然界的色彩、线条、声音、节奏其实都属“天籁之音”,它是自然而不造作的,是质朴而又有大美的。只是如庄子所说,天地有大美而不言。人类最需要的是学习自然,故有道法自然之说,道法自然,即是从根本上学习大自然的韵律,日月经天,江河行地,都是遵循了自然的法则,是最美的。作文最忌讳的是对自然之美习而不察,而又总是抱守一些陈腐的观念,从书本中找根据,这是舍本求末的做法。而这篇文章的作者,偏要从习见中跳出,用心,从蝉的叫声中读出了时光的流转,生命的经验,自然的哲理,在质朴中见出深度来,这正是文章的正途。 Comment: “The voice of nature is poetry”. This is the essence of this essay. The colors, lines, sounds, and rhythms of the natural world are in fact “the sound of nature”. It is natural and not artificial, simple and beautiful. Just as Zhuangzi said, heaven and earth have great beauty without words. What humanity needs most is to learn nature. Therefore, there is a way to say nature and nature, that is to say, nature learns the rhythm of nature fundamentally. The moon, the moon, and the rivers and rivers follow the rules of nature and are the most beautiful. . The most taboo essay is not on the natural habits of learning, but always cling to some of the stereotyped ideas, find the basis from the book, this is the practice of seeking the end. The author of this article, in particular, wants to jump out of the common sense and read out the flow of time, the experience of life, the philosophy of nature, and the depth of simplicity in the simplicity. This is the article’s The right way.
东方和西方的文化上存在着很大的差异。反映在语言上,方位的表达方式不同,就是其中之一。 There is a big difference between the Eastern and Western cultures. Reflect
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1984年,波兰国家铁路投资六百四十五亿波兰兹罗提(波兰货币单位),折合五十亿法郎。在这笔投资中,11%的钱花在电气化上(462公里的线路)27%的钱用于购置机车车 In 1984, Polish