How to Celebrate Chinese Farmers’Harvest Festival?

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lebaishi310
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  The Chinese Government recently created the Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival, making it the fi rst time that a national festival has been set up exclusively for farmers. The festival will be celebrated annually on the autumnal equinox beginning this year.
  The action highlights the government’s emphasis on agriculture and rural areas and its people, drawing the whole society’s attention to Chinese farmers, who diligently work to prop up the country’s social and economic development. The government has also expressed its determination to see a thriving agricultural industry, beautiful countryside and well-off farmers.
  The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced there will be some nationwide activities, but most of the celebrations will take place at a local level derived from local customs. As for the signifi cance of this festival and how it should be celebrated across the country, people from all walks of life have expressed their opinions.
  Respect and caring
  Zhang Fan (People’s Daily): The creation of this festival refl ects China’s increasing emphasis on its traditional culture: the festival falling on the autumnal equinox shows respect for traditional 24 solar terms, which have been followed by Chinese people since about 2,200 years ago. Meanwhile, it mirrors Chinese people’s knowledge of seasonal changes in nature and their willingness to adapt to natural rules and sustainable ecological views. Although climates and crops differ in various parts of China, most crops mature in autumn, and thus it’s the best time to celebrate the harvest.
  The festival will surely be accompanied by certain rituals which are especially important to China, an agricultural giant with thousands of years of history. A whole year’s tillage of the land brings big harvests, fi lling farmers with joy.
  This festival will not only celebrate harvests but it will also be a reminder that more attention needs to be paid to agriculture and farmers, as well as traditional culture. The decision to set up this festival is not only for nostalgia or revelry, but to better embrace the future.
  Zhu Xuan ( Agriculture is the foundation of China’s national economy and the source of the Chinese population’s food supply including grain, meat, vegetables and fruits. The establishment of this festival will undoubtedly attract more young people to the agricultural sector. Currently, as crucial as agriculture is to the national economy, most farmers engaging in agricultural production are aged between 40 and 70. China’s agricultural sector is obviously understaffed. Thus, the festival, to some extent, should spur more young people to join this sector, injecting vitality into the country’s agricultural industry.   Without farmers’ hard work, social and economic development is impossible. The creation of the harvest festival is meeting Chinese farmers’ expectations for the whole society’s emphasis on agriculture.
  Ding Jianting (Nanfang Daily): The Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival is explicitly for farmers. Only when farmers participate widely in these activities and extract real joy from the festival will its purpose be realized. To this end, we need to pay attention to the differences in local cultures and harvests time to organize rich and colorful harvest activities instead of uniform ones. Festival celebrations must be done in ways that fully reflect rural features rather than imported urban perspectives. They should present a sense of ceremony, but at the same time be practical rather than wasteful. In a word, farmers are the major players of this festival, and therefore their participation is of great importance and their happiness is what we should aim for.
  Rural/urban divide
  Editorial (Beijing Youth Daily): Establishing Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival is helpful to remind the whole society of the importance of farming and farmers’ lives. It is necessary to make full use of preferential policies, capital and good environment to boost agricultural production and the rural economy, and to improve farmers’ living conditions so that they can devote themselves to their agricultural work. The founding of this festival will create an atmosphere of respect and caring for farmers.
  Although recent years have seen economic growth in most rural areas, a great increase in farmer’s income and substantial improvement in the rural environment has not occurred. There is still a large gap between urban and rural areas, especially in terms of social security, medical care and insurance, as well as the overall social environment. This festival will help farmers gain access to more equitable political, economic and social status as well as welfare.
  The festival will help to increase food output, encouraging farmers to grow more quality food, which is still the focus of China’s agricultural work for today and the future. Although China’s economy is stronger and it can import grain to feed its population, we cannot ignore domestic food production.
  To set up the Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival is also to remind governments and relevant authorities at various levels to always keep the harvest in mind, which not merely refers to the harvest from the land, but also the increase of people’s incomes and social benefits. In fact, the farmers’ festival should not be simplified as just another festival. It should, instead, fully showcase the government’s and society’s respect for and emphasis on agricultural development, as well as farmers’ lives and farming as an occupation.
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