
来源 :青少年科学探索 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:illusions1018
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也许有朝一日,农民可以种植更多的水稻,不稳定的网络系统能更好地工作,而这些都得益于美国少年科学家在全国科学展上展出的获奖发明。本届科学展的评委认为,来自全美的高中科学家在基因学、分子生物学、数学及其他领域的研究成果已达专业水准。参加此次全国竞赛的决赛者们取得的成果,有望加快因特网运行,提高抗菌药物的疗效并加强能源保护。参赛的一个小组研究了外层空间的黑洞,而另一个小组则仔细研究了700多件化石,以便进一步了解恐龙灭绝的原因。几位参赛选手表示,他们准备在权威性专业刊物上发表研究成果。 Perhaps one day, farmers can grow more rice, and unstable network systems can work better, thanks to award-winning inventions exhibited by young American scientists at the National Science Fair. The judges of this year’s Science Fair believe that high school scientists from the United States have achieved professional standards in the research of genetics, molecular biology, mathematics, and other fields. The results obtained by the finalists participating in this national competition are expected to accelerate the operation of the Internet, improve the efficacy of antibacterial drugs and strengthen energy conservation. One team took a look at the black holes in outer space, while the other group carefully studied more than 700 fossils to further understand the causes of the dinosaur extinction. Several contestants stated that they are prepared to publish research results in authoritative professional publications.
要是把人类最讨厌的动物排排队,前三名里肯定就有老鼠。尽管人们想尽一切办法来消火它们,可结果总是大失所望,老鼠和人类一直较劲到今天。 If we queue up the most annoyi
天才不犯错误。他的错误是有意识的,是发现之门。——詹姆斯·乔伊斯 《尤里西斯》 Genius does not make mistakes. His mistakes are conscious and the door to discove
上个世纪30年代初,有一位青年进了一家书店打工,任店员兼送货员。他每天骑自行车送货跑很多地方,月薪只有12元。这家书店同时还兼营留声机、收音 In the early 1930s, a you