
来源 :法制与社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjn000800
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说明不批准逮捕的理由是刑事诉讼法的明确规定,对检察机关而言,这不仅是一种义务,同时更是强化侦查监督的有效途径之一。以往概括式的说明只是履行了义务,却未能发挥强化侦查监督的功能。本文认为加强不捕理由的说明对于提高办案人员业务素质的需要,完善检察机关内部监督,减少复议复核、节约诉讼成本,深化引导侦查取证工作,化解群众不满、避免上访缠诉具有的价值。 It shows that the reason for not approving the arrest is the explicit stipulation of the criminal procedure law, which is not only an obligation for the procuratorial organs, but also an effective way to strengthen the investigation and supervision. In the past, the generalized explanation merely fulfilled its obligations, but failed to give play to the function of strengthening investigation and supervision. This paper argues that strengthening the explanation of non-catching reasons can improve the internal quality of investigators and improve the internal supervision of procuratorate, reduce the review and review, save the cost of litigation, deepen the work of guiding investigation and evidence collection, resolve the public dissatisfaction and avoid the appeals of petitions.
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仲秋失踪了。  第一个发现这事儿的是与仲秋同屋的女孩儿黎碧琼。她们都是在这个城市打拼的单身女子,合租了这套房子。虽然住在一起,但平时并没有过多的交集。  仲秋回家总是比黎碧琼要晚,而且往往都是黎碧琼洗漱完毕上床准备休息的时候。这就让黎碧琼形成了条件反射,养成了一个无意识的习惯,非要听到仲秋的关门声后才能安心入睡。  可是从上周开始,黎碧琼再也没有听到过仲秋的关门声,为此她连续几夜失眠。同事们嘲笑她
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