盘点2009 那些人,那些事

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2009年,对于中国乃至世界,都是极其难忘的一年。这一年,中国是世界经济的希望;这一年,全世界都在看中国。虽然年初经济危机阴霾重重,但由于世界各国的共同努力,尤其是在中国为首的新兴市场国家经济增长的带动下,全球经济开始逐步企稳、回暖,最黑暗的时刻似乎已经逐渐过去。这一年,中国政府为“保八”和促增长付出了巨大的努力,不仅调整并出台了一系列经济刺激政策,而且还及时地推出并实施了许多重大的战略举措,比如十大产业振兴规划、区域发展战略和创业板,等等。这些围绕着经济发展而密集出台的政策、措施,都会在当下或不远的将来显现出应有的作用和威力。2009年真的值得永远铭记。为此,本刊特别策划了这个回眸性的专题,试图从这一年的每个月份里截取一个人物“切片”或者事件标本,从正面或侧面能够反映出当月发生的大事。因为时间仓促,我们的工作肯定存在诸多疏漏和不足,恳请读者朋友们谅解和批评。 2009, for China and the world, are extremely memorable year. This year, China is the hope of the world economy; this year, the whole world is watching China. Despite the gloomy economic crisis at the beginning of the year, thanks to the joint efforts of all countries in the world, especially the economic growth in emerging market countries led by China, the global economy has gradually stabilized and warmed up. The darkest moment seems to have gradually passed. This year, the Chinese government has made tremendous efforts to promote and increase the “Eight Guarantees” and not only adjusted and promulgated a series of economic stimulus policies, but also introduced and implemented many major strategic initiatives in time, such as the top ten Industrial revitalization plan, regional development strategy and the GEM, and so on. All these policies and measures that are intensively introduced around economic development will show their due role and power in the present and in the near future. 2009 really worth remembering forever. To this end, the magazine specially planned this retrospective sex project, trying to intercept a character from every month of the year “slice ” or event specimens, from the front or side to reflect the major events of the month. Because of time constraints, there are certainly many omissions and deficiencies in our work. We urge readers and friends to understand and criticize them.
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2009年11月下旬,北京已是寒冬,建国门外大街一幢建于上个世纪末的高层商品楼的一层,推开破旧的一扇小门,经过狭窄幽暗的通道,进入到何阳家的客厅,因为主人入狱十 In late No