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目的分析龙岩市新罗区食物中毒事件流行病学特征,为制定防控策略提供参考。方法收集新罗区2011—2015年食物中毒事件资料进行流行病学分析。结果新罗区2011—2015年共发生21起食物中毒事件,中毒330人,总罹患率9.3%,中毒事件主要发生在第3季度,中毒起数、中毒人数均最多,分别占71.4%和74.8%,罹患率也最高。发生场所集体食堂8起、饮食服务业6起、家庭聚餐5起,家庭食物中毒的罹患率80.0%为最高;中毒原因以细菌性食物中毒为主(10起),罹患率以植物性食物中毒最高(66.7%)。结论近几年新罗区食物中毒事件时有发生,应针对其流行病学特征,制定切实可行的防控措施,以减少食物中毒事件发生。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of food poisoning incidents in Xinluo District, Longyan City, and provide reference for making prevention and control strategies. Methods The data of food poisoning events in Xinluo District from 2011 to 2015 were collected for epidemiological analysis. Results A total of 21 food poisoning incidents occurred in Xinluo District from 2011 to 2015, causing 330 poisonings and a total incidence of 9.3%. The poisoning incidents occurred mainly in the third quarter with the highest number of poisoning and poisoning, accounting for 71.4% and 74.8% respectively %, The highest attack rate. Occurred at the collective canteens 8 venues, 6 catering services, family dinners 5, the incidence of family food poisoning was the highest 80.0%; poisoning due to bacterial food poisoning (10), the attack rate of vegetative food poisoning Highest (66.7%). Conclusion In recent years, food poisoning incidents have occurred in Xinluo District. According to its epidemiological characteristics, practical prevention and control measures should be worked out to reduce food poisoning incidents.
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