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在界定产业升级内涵的基础上,根据陕西装备制造业的发展现状及产业升级的客观要求,从产业升级的产出能力和投入能力两个维度构建了装备制造业产业升级能力评价指标体系,并运用突变模糊隶属度函数法对陕西装备制造业各下属产业升级能力进行了综合评价,结论表明:装备制造业所属的七个子行业的产业升级能力存在很大差距,其中金属制品业的产业升级能力最强,通用设备制造业、通信计算机及其他电子设备制造业、专用设备制造业次之,仪器仪表制造业、电气机械及器材制造业、交通运输设备制造业最差.进一步分析了产生这一结果的深层原因,在此基础上提出了陕西装备制造业产业升级的对策建议. On the basis of defining the connotation of industrial upgrading, according to the present situation of equipment manufacturing industry in Shaanxi Province and the objective requirements of industrial upgrading, this paper constructs an index system for evaluating the industrial upgrading capability of equipment manufacturing industry from two aspects of output capacity and input capacity By using the mutation fuzzy membership function method, this paper makes a comprehensive evaluation on the upgrading ability of each subordinate equipment manufacturing industry in Shaanxi Province. The conclusion shows that there are big differences in the industrial upgrading ability of the seven subindustries in the equipment manufacturing industry, among which the industrial upgrading ability of the metal products industry Strongest, general equipment manufacturing industry, communications computer and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry, special equipment manufacturing industry, instrumentation manufacturing industry, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, transportation equipment manufacturing industry the worst.Further analysis of the production of this The deep reason of the result, put forward the countermeasure suggestion that Shaanxi equipment manufacturing industry upgrades on the basis of this.
针对中学数学教学中存在的问题,给出多边形的严格定义,并对中学平面几何中多边形的概念等的教学提出建议. Aiming at the problems existing in mathematics teaching in middl
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中学化学教学必须重视演示实验,并把它贯穿于课本知识的讲述和讲解中,这样能使教学的效果明显提高。 一、演示实验要保证成功 演示实验成功与否,对教学效果是至关重要的。一
在尼日利亚的贝宁市,发生过这样一件前所未闻的官司:一名23岁的双头妇女,因为怀孕而闹上法庭,左面的头说想坠胎,右面的头却要把孩子生下来。法学家会同医学家均认为,这名 I