建筑创作是社会科学和自然科学的综合。创作的主观构思,必须符合客观实际。经过五十一年的实践,我认为至少有十个问题要研究、认识。 一、政治:不是口号,而是行动的指南 1958年搞国庆工程时,周总理就提出过“以人为主,物为人用。”最近国外也提“人、建筑、环境”的理论。只有社会主义制度才能真正提“为人民服务,对人民负责。”因为劳动人民是
Architectural creation is a synthesis of social sciences and natural sciences. The subjective concept of creation must be consistent with objective reality. After 51 years of practice, I think there are at least 10 issues to study and recognize. I. Politics: Not a slogan, but a guide to action When the National Day project was launched in 1958, Premier Zhou proposed that “people should be the mainstay and things should be used by people.” Recently, foreign countries have also mentioned the theory of “people, architecture, and the environment”. Only the socialist system can really mention “serving the people and being responsible to the people.” Because the working people are