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目的 研究整合蛋白α_5和β_1亚基在胃癌,结直肠癌,宫颈癌,乳腺癌的表达与肿瘤的分化程度,侵袭转移等生物行为的关系,及四种癌症之间α_5和β_1亚基表达的相互关系。方法 用免疫组织化学ABC法检测20例胃癌,21例结直肠癌,20例宫颈癌,20例乳腺癌石蜡标本α_5、β_1亚基的表达水平。结果 整合蛋白α_5和β_1亚基在四种肿瘤中的表达水平有一定类似,癌组织较癌旁组织的表达水平低,高中分化肿瘤比低分化肿瘤表达水平高,但下降概率有差异。α_5、β_1亚基在同种癌症中表达也有差异,β_1的表达水平相对较高。结论 整合蛋白α_5和β_1亚基在癌旁组织中的表达明显高于癌组织,并且与分化程度有关,与转移的关系比较复杂有待进一步研究,α_5、β_1亚基在四种癌症中的表达有一致性,但也有差异。不同种类亚基在癌症中的表达有差异。 Objective To study the relationship between the expression of integrin α_5 and β_1 subunits in gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, cervical cancer, and breast cancer, and their relationship with tumor differentiation, invasion and metastasis, and the expression of α_5 and β_1 subunits between four cancers. Relationships. Methods Immunohistochemical ABC method was used to detect the expression of α_5 and β_1 subunits in paraffin-embedded specimens from 20 cases of gastric cancer, 21 cases of colorectal cancer, 20 cases of cervical cancer, and 20 cases of breast cancer. Results The expression levels of integrin α_5 and β_1 subunits were similar in the four tumors. The expression of integrin α_5 and β_1 subunits was similar in the four tumors. The expression level of cancerous tissue was lower than that in adjacent tissues. The high-level differentiated tumors had higher expression levels than poorly-differentiated tumors, but the decrease probability was different. The expression of α_5 and β_1 subunits is also different in the same type of cancer, and the expression level of β_1 is relatively high. Conclusion The expression of integrin α_5 and β_1 subunits in cancer adjacent tissues is significantly higher than that in cancer tissues, and is related to the degree of differentiation. The relationship between integrin α_5 and β_1 subunits is relatively complex and needs further study. The expression of α_5 and β_1 subunits in four cancers has Consistency, but there are differences. Different kinds of subunits have different expressions in cancer.
南柯子·丁酉清明黄天下传新火,人间试夹衣。定巢新燕觅香泥。不为绣帘朱户说相思。侧帽吹飞絮,凭栏送落晖。粉痕销淡锦书稀。怕见山南山北子规啼。 Nan Kezi Ding Hao Qing
刘志东,原是福建莆田县人,后从香港到新加坡。在新加坡经营餐饮和建材生意,积累资金近千万,回国内寻求发展一直是他的梦想。 经过多次考察,刘志东把投资的地址选择在家乡福
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