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2013年9、10月,国家主席习近平在哈萨克斯坦和印度尼西亚,先后提出了建设“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的重大倡议。“一带一路”战略是我们党在国家由大向强发展关键阶段作出的重大战略决策,是助推中华民族伟大复兴的全球战略,预示着中国从全球化追随者向全球化倡导者、从国际规则遵循者向国际规则制定者的根本转变。推进“一带一路”战略,必须着眼地缘政治格局的深刻变化,全面审视重大利弊因素,最大限度抢抓机遇、规避风险,以可持续安全环境确保国家利益可持续拓展。“一带一路”战略是我们党在国家由大向强发展关键阶段作出的重大战略决策,也是中国版的全球化战略,必然会面临全球化的系统性挑战。 In September and October 2013, President Xi Jinping proposed in Kazakhstan and Indonesia major initiatives in building the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road.” The strategy of “One Belt and One Road” is a major strategic decision made by our party at the critical stage of the country’s development from big to strong and is a global strategy to boost the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This indicates that China, from its global followers to advocates for globalization, The fundamental shift from followers of international rules to those of international rules. To promote the “Belt and Road” strategy, we must focus on profound changes in geo-political structure, thoroughly examine the major pros and cons factors, seize the opportunities to the maximum extent and avoid risks so as to ensure the sustainable development of our national interest with a sustainable and secure environment. The “One Belt and One Road” strategy is a major strategic decision our party has made in the crucial phase of developing the country from big to strong. It is also a China version of the globalization strategy and will inevitably face the systematic challenge of globalization.
人们总是喜欢把历史比喻成一列长长的火车,今天,时代的汽笛长歌浩荡,空谷和鸣,历史的车轮千回百转,韵律悠长,这趟列车终于在鲜花和欢歌中驶进了 21世纪的大门。   回顾逝去的一个