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非法、未报告和无管制(Iuu)捕捞是现今渔业可持续发展的主要威胁之一,对通过此途径所获得的非法渔获采取贸易限制措施,被认为解决这一问题的有效手段。但是这一措施在世界贸易组织(以下简称WT0)体制下可能会面临挑战。本文把此类措施置于WTO体制下进行合法性审查,考察可能违背的《关税与贸易总协定》(GATT)原则,并对其可能依赖的GATT例外作出分析。在分析GATT例外条款的含义时,本文结合WTO/GATT的案例剖析GATT例外条款各关键词语的内涵。根据分析可知,专家组通常会对这些例外条款采取严格的解释,这使得在WTO争端解决机制中难以成功地援引GATT例外条款,因此,解决此问题的关键在于设计和实施此类措施时充分考虑WTO的规定。在此基础上,才能充分发挥贸易限制措施对IUU捕捞的遏制作用,并促进渔业的可持续发展。 Illegal, unreported and unregulated (Iuu) fishing is one of the major threats to the sustainable development of fisheries today, and trade restrictions on illegal catches obtained through this route are considered as effective means of addressing this issue. However, this measure may face challenges under the World Trade Organization (WTO) system. This article examines the legitimacy of such measures under the WTO system, examines the possible violation of the GATT principle and analyzes the GATT exceptions it may rely on. In analyzing the meanings of the GATT exception clauses, this article analyzes the connotation of the key terms of GATT exception clauses in the context of WTO / GATT. According to the analysis, the panel usually takes a strict explanation of these exceptions, which makes it difficult to successfully invoke the GATT exception in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Therefore, the crux of the solution lies in fully considering the design and implementation of such measures WTO rules. On this basis, we can give full play to the deterrent effect of trade restrictions on IUU fishing and promote the sustainable development of fisheries.
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