
来源 :考试(高考族) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gv_coolway
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军校作为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,向来以管理严格、教学质量高、人才辈出而得到社会各界的充分信任。然而,想进军校学习却不是件容易的事儿——你不仅要顺利通过高考独木桥还要有一个漂亮的翻身动作,即较高的考分加较好的身体素质。如此严格的筛选,使军校成了众多考生难圆的梦。不过,随着军队改革的深入,以及军校教育资源的富裕,一个特殊的团体——军校地方生的出现为广大高考生接受军校教育打开了一扇别样的门。 Military academies and universities, as an important part of higher education in our country, have always been fully trusted by all walks of life with strict management, high teaching quality and a large number of talents. However, want to enter the school is not an easy thing to learn - not only do you want to pass the college entrance examination alone bridge but also have a beautiful stand-up action, that is, a higher score and a better physical fitness. Such a rigorous screening, so that military schools have become difficult to dream many candidates. However, with the deepening of the army’s reform and the affluence of military education resources, the emergence of a special group of local military academies opened a special door for the majority of college students to receive military education.
按照《21世纪的澳大利亚海军》发展规划,到2015年时,澳海军将从目前的“现有舰队”发展为“增强舰队”,到2025年时,发展为具有更强远洋作战能力的“未来舰队” According to
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随着深海的奥秘不断被揭开、海底宝藏不断被发现,深深的海底已成为世界各国关注的焦点,各国在深海的争夺更加激烈。因此,在关注陆战场、空战场、太空、电磁空间与海上战场的同时,美军开始将深海战场列为未来战争的“第六维”战场空间。    “深海幽夏”    由于潜艇具有隐蔽性好、突击力强和续航力、自给力大等突出优点,潜艇部队是深海部队遂行作战任务的主要兵种。根据深海基地独特的地理特点配置相应的作战兵器,以实
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——在其《未来10年重大新式武器研发计划》中,反导系统、远程导弹、C~4ISR 系统等成为武器装备的研发重点,其中一些项目目前已经完成或接近完成。从1998年7月开始,台军制定