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  这篇优美的散文发表在1878年的美国《全国教育学刊》(National Journal of Education)上。文章以冬日林中漫步时的冰雪美景为主要聚焦对象,抒发了对神奇大自然的讴歌和对美好事物易逝的感叹。在结构上,由远及近(森林到后院)、由物及人、由景及情。语言上兼具美感和诗意,运用了比喻、拟人、夸张、用典、互文等多种修辞,最突出的是将大自然及其生灵、树木、溪流人格化。风格和主题上,隐约可见自然主义者爱默生、梭罗、布莱恩特和浪漫主义者朗费罗等人的印迹。“美之至者,其衰也忽”的主题亦与中国文艺美学颇有共通。
  A walk in the wild woods is never without its charm. Even in the winter we find it profitable to keep up our acquaintance with Nature, and to pay her an occasional visit. She never pleads the shallow and fallacious excuse of domestic engagements, but we have a suspicion that about this time she is not the least busy lady in the land. Think of all the multitudinous plans she is maturing, to delight and surprise us in the spring! Under the snow-beds are myriads of slumbering blossoms, not to speak of forms of higher life, which await but a word from the gentle goddess to come forth in vernal beauty.
   We love to follow the paths made by some rabbit or other wild creature, and which lead into mysterious depths of forest. The silence would be appalling, were it not for that instinctive faith in the latent life about us. In places the snow is positively blue,—where, for instance, the “sombrous pines”1 cast their long shadows westward and mark the progress of the sun. Wonderful palaces have been built above the little brook, which bubbles, and whispers, and laughs as it plays sweet music on the tinkling ice. We gaze down colonnades of stately pillars, ornate as those of Thebes. Let Schlieman2 delve in the ruins of Mycenae: he can not unearth more wonderful remains than these. It requires good courage, and something of enthusiasm besides, to travel a foot over frozen snow; but there are days when it is quite out of the question for one to stay at home. Blue skies, jingling sleigh-bells, and crisp air all summon him out of doors. If he can skate, he has reached the triumph of locomotion, the poetry of earthly movement. A perfect skater suggests those exquisite statues of the Greeks, where a god is represented poised as if for flight. The anatomical absurdity of wings is dispensed with, and he seems to glide along by the very force of genius. There may be reason, perhaps, why we can not skate. At such times we wrap up well, and start off like some Alpine or Arctic explorer, with a convenience at hand of which these venturesome spirits are deprived,—viz., the ready access to a returning horse-car.    Sometimes kind Nature undertakes a little dramatic performance in our back-yard, when we keep a reserved seat in the house and witness the spectacle in comfort. Where is the artist that can paint such a scene? Does a child’s imagination even, create anything so dazzling and bewildering? Here is a pear-tree, whose withered fruit is transformed into sugared confections. For what fairy beauty are prepared these necklaces of pearl? Who ground the iridescent facets of yonder diamonds that spangle in the sunlight, and, catching the subtle colors of the spectrum, gleam like shattered rainbows? The oak has sheathed himself in mail, and even the tiny twigs are gauntleted. A light breeze causes the armor to creak and the joints to rattle, but the fabric is well-wrought and can endure the strain.
   Beautiful beyond all description is the view adown the garden path, where the over-arching shrubs have formed a fret-work of crystal. Here are hung strings of orient pearls; tapestry and lace-work of superb patterns recall the splendors of medieval times; and here is a film or veil of frost so delicate that a breath would endanger it. The most homely objects are fringed with opaline icicles. A cluster of barberries, which has escaped the birds, is now an ear-drop of costly coral. What could the island-home of Edmund Dantes3 show that was in any way comparable to this splendor!
  “Loveliest of lovely things are they
  On earth, that soonest pass away.”4
   Even as we look, the enchantment is broken. The rare decorations are dashed upon the ground, for with a shudder and a sigh, each branch seems to bow itself slightly and then cast off its armor. The jewels are dissolved in rain.
《现代汉语词典》里,“小吃”的释义为:①饭馆中分量少而价钱低的菜;②饮食业中出售的年糕、粽子、元宵、油茶等食品的统称;③西餐中的冷盘。但在现实生活中,我国地大物博,各地小吃形态各异、品种繁多,远远超出了词典中界定的小吃的范畴。在特定的跨文化交流中,如果译者执着于词典中“小吃”一词的静态表达,用英文的snack一词去对应汉语表达中所有的“小吃”,断然翻不出符合“生活形式”、贴切自然的译文来。  “小
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【導读】 V. S. 奈保尔(1932 —2018),印度裔英国作家,曾获布克奖、毛姆奖、英国大卫·柯恩文学奖等奖项,并于 2001年获得诺贝尔文学奖。奈保尔曾在世界各地广泛游历,创作了大量以亚、非、拉等第三世界为题材的小说与游记。  本文节选自奈保尔的小说《抵达之谜》(The Enigma of Arrival,1987)第一章“杰克的花园”(Jack’s Garden)。该小说以倒叙的手法再现
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