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中国正在走向世界。中国的体育运动,特别是中国的商业体育竞赛也随着我国市场经济体制不断完善而与国际接轨。职业拳击拳王争霸赛这颗世界商业体育竞赛皇冠上最名贵的钻石,因其巨大的商业价值,也越来越引起中国体育经纪人的极大关注。职业拳击运动的“麦加圣地”美国的有关法律明文规定:“职业拳击运动员在没有职业拳击经纪人参与的情况下,不能与任何对手签订比赛协议。“这不仅为经纪人在职业拳击竞赛中的地位奠定了法律基础,也使得职业拳击经纪人在职业拳击比赛中,起着举足轻重和决定性的作用。从1993年到现在,中国的体育经纪人有过三次把美国职业拳击拳王争霸赛移师中国的经历,每一次都有不同体验,获得了不同的经验和教训。总结过去,是为了更好地走向未来。特别是中国加入WTO以后,国外的商业体育竞赛,特别是像职业拳击拳王争霸赛这样有着巨大商业机遇的体育竞赛,将不可避免地抢滩中国,中国的体育经纪人也还会想方设法把这类商业体育竞赛迎进中国。中国的体育经纪人如何在国际商业体育竞赛的竞争中一显身手,把握迎面扑来的机遇,迎接更加严酷的挑战? 由于工作的关系,作者比较深入地了解和直接参与了这几次职业拳击拳王争霸赛移师中国的过程,对几位主要当事人和机构在运作这几次职业比赛的酸甜苦辣也有深刻的体会,对一些“背景新闻”、“幕后新闻”占有第一手材料。为了将这些花了昂贵的学费而得到的一些有价值的东西保留下来,计后来者能站在前人的肩膀上更加顺利地前进,本文将从观照美国职业拳击赛、1993年北京职业拳击拳王争霸赛引发的跨国官司、2000年广州职业拳击拳王争霸赛得失谭、2001年北京重量级职业拳击拳王争霸赛前前后后、在中国怎样摘取“皇冠上的钻石”等五个篇章,对中国体育经纪人在操作这几次职业拳击拳王争霸赛的成败得失和操作思路进行介绍和研究。目的是为了让人们今后在运作类似商业体育竞赛时提供参考资料,少走弯路,提高我国体育经纪人的经纪水平。 China is moving to the world China’s sports activities, especially China’s commercial sports competitions, are also in line with international standards as China’s market economy system continues to improve. Professional Boxing Championship This world commercial sports competition crown crown most expensive diamond, because of its huge commercial value, but also caused more and more Chinese sports brokers great concern. The “Mecca Holy Land” for Professional Boxing The United States expressly states: “A professional boxer can not sign a match with any opponent without the involvement of a professional boxing broker.” This is not only for the brokers in the professional boxing competition Laid the legal foundation, but also makes professional boxing brokers play a decisive role in professional boxing competitions. From 1993 to the present, China’s sports brokers have had three experiences of moving the U.S. boxing championship to China. Each time, they have different experiences and gained different experiences and lessons. To sum up the past, is to better the future. Especially after China’s accession to the WTO, foreign commercial sports competitions, especially sports competitions such as the Occupational Boxing Championship Competition, which have great business opportunities, will inevitably lead China. Chinese sports brokers will also find ways to deal with these types of sports competitions Commercial sports competitions welcome to China. How can China’s sports brokers play a leading role in the competition of international business competitions to seize the opportunities they face in the face of tougher challenges? Due to their work, the authors understand and directly participate in these professional boxing games The move of Champion Tournament to China also has a deep understanding of the ups and downs of several major parties and institutions in running these professional tournaments, and has first-hand materials for some “background news” and “behind the scenes news.” In order to keep some valuable things from these expensive tuition fees, it is possible to count on the shoulders of forefathers to keep track of the future success of the United States. This article will look at the American Boxing Championship, the 1993 Beijing boxing ring Wang Zhengba triggered cross-border lawsuit in 2000, Guangzhou Professional Boxing Championship Championship lost Tan, 2001 Beijing heavyweight professional boxing championship after the match, how to remove the “crown of diamonds” and other five chapters in China , On the Chinese sports brokers in the operation of several professional boxing championship competition success or failure and operation ideas introduced and studied. The purpose is to allow people to provide reference materials for the operation of similar commercial sports competitions in the future and to avoid detours and improve the level of broking in our sports brokers.
阅读是一个极为复杂的生理、心理过程,在此过程中已有的知识图式对读者的阅读活动有着指引注意、促进编码的作用。本文介绍了图式理论指导下的一种高中英语阅读教学模式。 R
采用L9(34)正交实验设计,探讨微波辐射和IBA浸种对云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,平均胚轴和根长分别为3.4~4.3cm和2.6~3.3cm,处理组合间,平均胚轴和根
在“乌拉尔锻造车间”股份公司(早先的契巴尔库利冶金厂),生产OT4、BT14、BT3-1和BT-9钛合金模锻毛坯是从1969年十一月开始的。 同时研究了斯图平金属加工联合企业和维尔赫