在建设社会主义新农村中 如何发挥人民调解员作用

来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdl872
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去年11月初,我们用了30多天时间爬山越岭,过河涉水,走村进寨,以“在建设社会主义新农村中人民调解员应发挥什么样的作用”为主题进行了调研。先后走访了42个村人民调解委员会,与250多名人民调解员进行座谈,听取了70多位乡(镇)村干部的意见和建议。从中我们感到,要想很好地让人民调解员在建设社会主义新农村中发挥应有的作用,应解决好以下几个问题。 In early November last year, we spent more than 30 days climbing the mountains, crossing the river and going to the village to study the theme of “what kind of role should the people mediators play in building a new socialist countryside”. Visited 42 mediation committees of people of the village successively, held informal discussions with more than 250 people mediators and listened to the opinions and suggestions of over 70 village (town) village cadres. From which we feel that if we want to properly enable the people mediators to play their due role in building a new socialist countryside, we should solve the following problems.
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第三届潮学国际研讨会定于今年10月28日至31日在韩山师范学院举行。 本次会议由韩山师范学院主办,潮州市社科联、文化局、教育局协办。成立了以我院院长汤慕忠教授为主任委
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偶尔也是演技派那天中午太阳很好,我们端着食堂的饭盒就上了顶楼晒太阳。没错,作为魅丽的大帅哥,就算是拿着食堂low low的饭盒也要假装自己拿着高级料理店的食物,要拿出逼格,