解放思想 实事求是 深化广播电视改革──学习邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论的体会

来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pangzd
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“领导干部要讲政治”,最重要的一项内容就是学习邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论,打好坚实的理论路线根底。对广播电视工作者而言,不但是重要的理论学习任务,而且是最重要的业务学习任务。广播电视部门的领导干部,要用邓小平同志分析问题的立场、观点、方法来处理现实生活和实际工作中的问题,应正确认识我国广播电视工作的性质任务、地位和作用,把握好宣传舆论导向。在实际工作中应重点处理好三个辨证统一关系:宣传党的路线、方针、政策同反映人民群众要求、愿望、呼声相统一,弘扬主旋律和坚持多样化相统一,社会效益和经济效益相统一。在广播电视事业中,解放思想,实事求是,就是从实际出发进行宣传改革,把节目办得既符合中央的要求,又符合人民群众的需要;对人事、财务制度实行配套改革,解放生产力,提高节目制作能力;根据中央提出的“九五”计划和2010年远景目标,提出发展蓝图。文章阐述了中央电视台“九五”期间发展的具体思路与计刊。 The most important part of “leading cadres should talk about politics” is to study Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and lay a solid theoretical foundation. For broadcasters, it is not only an important theoretical learning task, but also the most important business learning task. The leading cadres in the radio and television departments should use Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s position, viewpoints and methods of analyzing the problems to handle the problems in real life and in practical work. We should correctly understand the nature, tasks, status and roles of China’s radio and television work and grasp the guidance of public opinion . In practice, we should focus on handling the three relations of dialectical unity: propaganda of the party’s line, principles and policies in line with the requirements of people’s aspirations, voices, the promotion of the theme and the unification of diversification and social and economic benefits . In radio and television undertaking, to emancipate the mind and seek truth from facts is to carry out propaganda and reform from the reality, to make the program both conform to the requirements of the Central Government and meet the needs of the masses of the people; to carry out complementary reforms on the personnel and financial systems, liberate the productive forces and raise the programs Making capacity; put forward the blueprint for development based on the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” proposed by the Central Government and the 2010 vision. The article elaborates the CCTV “Nine Five” period of development of specific ideas and journals.
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