
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangyingzhou
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Purpose: We assess the incidence of macular changes in ROP patients with retinal hemorrhages. Patients and methods: The premature group consisted of 360 children born 32 weeks gestation and/or with weight below 1500 g. We used the RetCam-120 Digital Retinal Camera to document retinal changes. Results: Of the 360 premature infants 241 (67% ) had no ROP,and 119 (33% ) had ROP. Of the preterm infants with ROP retinal hemorrhages were found in 46 (38% ) children. Of the newborns with ROP and with retinal hemorrhages,macular pigmentary changes were found in 3 (6% ) patients. Of these 3 patients,the first had prethreshold ROP,the second threshold ROP and had underwent diode laser photocoagulation,and the third patient had stage 2 ROP. In the patients with prethreshold and threshold ROP retinal hemorrhages appeared 6 weeks after birth and macular pigmentary changes were found 6 months after birth. In the patient with stage 2 ROP hemorrhages appeared 7-8 weeks after birth and macular pigmentary changes were detected 12 months after birth. Conclusions: Although macular hemorrhages almost always resorb without complications,our study allows the assumption that retinal hemorrhages may cause macular pigmentary changes in the macula,and thus may lead to deprivation amblyopia. Our results may suggest that the presence of the macular pigmentary changes may be related to the hemorrhage and not to the specific therapy or to the disease. Purpose: We assess the incidence of macular changes in ROP patients with retinal hemorrhages. Patients and methods: The premature group consisted of 360 children born 32 weeks gestation and / or with weight below 1500 g. We used the RetCam-120 Digital Retinal Camera to Of the 360 ​​premature infants with ROP retinal hemorrhages were found in 46 (38%) children. Of the newborns (67%) had no ROP, and 119 Of these 3 patients, the first had prethreshold ROP, the second threshold ROP and had underwent diode laser photocoagulation, and the third patient had stage 2 ROP with ROP and with retinal hemorrhages, macular pigmentary changes were found in 3 (6%) patients. . In the patients with prethreshold and threshold ROP retinal hemorrhages appeared 6 months after birth and macular pigmentary changes were found 6 months after birth. In the patient with stage 2 ROP hemorrhages appeared 7-8 weeks after birth and macular pigmentar y changes were detected 12 months after birth. Conclusions: Although macular hemorrhages almost always resorb without complications, our study allows the assumption that retinal hemorrhages may cause macular pigmentary changes in the macula, and thus may lead to deprivation amblyopia. Our results may suggest that the presence of the macular pigmentary changes may be related to the hemorrhage and not to the specific therapy or to the disease.
A gibberellin 20-oxidase gene rga5 was isolated by PCR from genomic DNA of rice (Oryza sativa ssp indica) cultivars 慉izizhan?and 慛ante? Compared with the re-p
目的 探讨一氧化氮(NO)诱导白内障的可能机制.方法 30例白内障患者晶状体分为老年性白内障组及糖尿病性白内障组,以正常晶状体作对照,制备晶状体匀浆上清,测NO、NO合成酶(NOS).结果 正常晶状体中存在NO、NOS,老年性白内障组晶状体中NO、NOS含量与正常晶状体组比较显著上升(P<0.05),且糖尿病性白内障组NO、NOS含量上升非常显著(P<0.01).结论 正常晶状体中存在NO、NOS
近日,由中联重科与CI FA联合开发的一款完全符合北美市场标准、适应北美地区国家施工条件的新款Mack底盘、40 m臂架、X形支腿、4节Z型臂架泵车在中联重科下线。该款40 m泵车
剧情简介  影片一开始,本应在阿富汗执行任务的美国空军飞行员柯尔特·斯蒂文斯上尉突然惊醒在一列疾驰的火车上。然而面对周围的人和环境,柯尔特上尉觉得一切都显得如此陌生而突如其来,就连镜中映射的自己都是另一个人的模样。  正当迷惑之际,随着火车爆炸,柯尔特又置身于一个飞行舱中。一位名叫古德温的女军官正在视频中向他询问着列车中发生的事情。如此几次后,柯尔特得知自己正在执行一个任务——他不得不在八分钟内找