Adaptive median threshold algorithm used in FDIS of DSSS receivers

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For direct sequence spread spectrum(DSSS) receivers, the capability of rejecting narrow-band interference can be significantly improved by a process of frequency-domain interference suppression(FDIS).The key issue of this process is how to determine a threshold to eliminate interference in the frequency domain,which has been extensively studied.However,these previous methods are tedious or very complex.A simple and efficient algorithm based on medians is proposed.The elimination threshold is only related to the median by a scale factor,which can be obtained by the numerical analysis.Simulation results show that the algorithm provides excellent narrow-band interference suppression while only slightly degrading the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR).A one-pass algorithm using logarithmic segmentation is further derived to estimate medians with low computational complexity. Finally,the FDIS is implemented in a field programmable gate array(FPGA) of Xilinx.Experiments are carried out by connecting the FDIS FPGA to a DSSS receiver,and the results show that the receiver has an effective countermeasure for a 60 dB interference-to-signal ratio(ISR). The ability of rejecting narrow-band interference can be significantly improved by a process of frequency-domain interference suppression (FDIS). The key issue of this process is how to determine a threshold to eliminate interference In the frequency domain, which has has been extensively studied. Host, these previous methods are tedious or very complex. A simple and efficient algorithm based on medians is proposed. The elimination threshold is only related to the median by a scale factor, which can be obtained by the numerical analysis. Simulation results show that the algorithm provides excellent narrow-band interference suppression while only slightly degrading the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). One-pass algorithm using logarithmic segmentation is further derived to estimate medians with low computational complexity. Finally, the FDIS is implemented in a field programmable gate array (FPGA) of Xilinx. Experiments are carried out by connecting the FDIS FPGA to a DSSS receiver, and the results show that the receiver has an effective countermeasure for a 60 dB interference-to-signal ratio (ISR).
一、背景  为贯彻落实党的十七大提出的走中国特色新型工业化道路、建设创新型国家、建设人力资源强国等战略部署,2010年6月,教育部联合有关部委和行业协会共同组织实施“卓越工程师教育培养计划”。“卓越计划”被列入《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》,这是为贯彻落实国家战略部署而提出来的高等工程教育重大改革计划,对推动高等工程教育教学改革,创立高校与行业企业联合培养人才的新机制
摘 要:有效的协调沟通是招投标活动取得成功的前提和关键。文章结合笔者自身实践,就招标过程中有效沟通的目的、内容及方法进行探讨,并通过实例,说明了协调沟通的重要性。  关键词:招标代理;协调沟通;招标人  中图分类号:F284 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-8136(2012)03-0103-02     所谓工程招标代理,是指将工程招标作为代理对象的代理。它涉及到工程建设项目
1 引言rn光油管注水是油田水驱采油开发过程中主要的一种生产方式.当油层因各种原因注不进水或注水量很低时,酸化成为重要的增注措施.但酸化后注水井在提高注水量产生良好驱