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文化产业是伴随着市场经济的发展而发展起来的。建设中国特色社会主义市场经济体制改革目标的确定,把文化产业纳入国民经济和社会发展整体规划,以及建立文化产业国家统计指标体系的提出,使得文化产业不仅日益成为国民经济和社会发展的重要组成部分,而且成为转变经济增长方式和实现经济结构的战略性调整的重要领域和产业形态,已经成为区域发展的新的经济增长点,在这种战略背景下毕节地区选择发展文化产业,意义重大。毕节地区属于经济欠发达地区,经济实力与发达地区乃至全国平均水平相比,都还存在巨大的差距。但毕节地区拥有丰富多彩的文化资源,这些资源具有鲜明的地域性、历史性、民族性的文化特性,以及由此决定的无可比拟、无可替代的文化资源优势。着力创新文化资源开发利用的方式和途径,促进文化优势向经济优势、产业优势转化,加快发展文化产业,是毕节地区实现经济社会跨越式发展,缩小与发达地区差距的必然选择。从经济学的角度来讲,文化产业具有资本循环周期短、投资回报率高的特点,能够产生较强的资本积聚和效益放大效应。一个运作成功的文化产业项目,可以在短时期内为投资者带来成倍甚至数十倍的回报。文化产业作为一种新的产业经济类型,为毕节地区的发展提供了新的选择模式。具有文化资源优势并充分地、全方位地发挥此种优势,肯定会具有经济文化一体发展的竞争优势,我们正在逐渐看清楚这个目标,并正在向着这个目标努力。但是,由于起步晚,由于缺乏经验,毕节地区文化产业的现状与现实的需求还有很大的距离。有鉴于此,必须充分认识发展文化产业的重要意义,强化发展文化产业的保障,务求实效,把文化产业的发展与群众的脱贫致富相结合,提高旅游业的文化含量,大力保护历史文化遗产,不断开拓民间工艺美术品可持续发展的空间,高度重视人才和智力在文化产业发展中的作用,始终把社会效益放在首位,努力做到社会效益与经济效益的有机统一,促进文化事业的繁荣和文化产业的发展,使文化产业从经济的边缘地带走向核心地带,真正成为毕节地区的支柱产业。 Cultural industry is accompanied by the development of market economy and developed. The establishment of a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, reform of the market economy objectives, the integration of cultural industries into the overall planning of national economy and social development, as well as the establishment of a national statistical indicator system for cultural industries, making the cultural industry not only an increasingly important component of national economic and social development It has become a new economic growth point for regional development. Under this strategic background, it is of great significance for Bijie region to choose to develop its cultural industry. Bijie areas belong to the economically underdeveloped regions, and there is still a huge gap between the economic strength and the developed regions and even the national average. However, the Bijie region has rich and colorful cultural resources that have distinct regional, historic and ethnic cultural characteristics and the incomparable and irreplaceable advantages of cultural resources. Efforts to innovate the ways and means of exploitation and utilization of cultural resources, and to promote the transformation of cultural advantages into economic advantages, the transformation of industrial advantages and the acceleration of the development of cultural industries are inevitable choices for realizing the leapfrog economic and social development in Bijie and narrowing the gap with developed areas. From an economic point of view, the cultural industry has the characteristics of short capital cycle and high return on investment, which can produce strong capital accumulation and efficiency amplification effect. A successful operation of a cultural industry project can bring double or even a few times as many returns to investors in a short period of time. As a new type of industrial economy, cultural industry provides a new mode of choice for the development of Bijie. With its advantages in cultural resources and full and full use of such advantages, it will surely have the competitive advantages of economic and cultural integration. We are gradually seeing this goal and are working toward this goal. However, due to the late start, due to lack of experience, the status quo of cultural industries in Bijie still has a long way to go. In view of this, we must fully understand the importance of developing cultural industries, strengthen the protection of cultural industries, seek truth from facts, combine the development of cultural industries with the people’s prosperity and prosperity, raise the cultural content of tourism, vigorously protect historical and cultural heritage, Constantly open up the space for the sustainable development of folk arts and crafts, attach great importance to the role of talents and intelligence in the development of cultural industries, give top priority to social benefits and strive to achieve the unification of social and economic benefits and promote the prosperity of cultural undertakings And the development of cultural industries, so that cultural industries from the margins of the economy to the core zone, has truly become a pillar industry in Bijie.
我国法律对非因工死亡并没有下过确切的定义 ,人们一般的理解是从因工死亡的定义反推而来 ,凡不属于因工死亡的就属于非因工死亡。然而从逻辑上看 ,因工死亡与非因工死亡并没
《人民日报·海外版》2009年11月11日在第1版“望海楼”栏目中,刊登瑞典皇家人文、历史考古学院院士罗多弼的文章。摘登如下。 “People’s Daily · Overseas Edition” No