July 2, I Forgot Day And World UFO Day

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  I Forgot Day is not a day to remember, so, you can forget anything. Some days are days to remember and to cherish all of our lives. Others, like today, are ones to be forgotten. If you are having a bad day, it’s just as well that today is I Forgot Day. We do hope that you are not taking an exam today.
  Some people view today as a chance to say they are sorry for forgetting something, and to make things right again. They do so by sending cards and flowers, apologizing for their memory lapse. The trouble is, if you forget something important tomorrow, you have to wait a whole year for the next I Forgot Day to arrive. I Forgot Day is closely related to I’m Sorry Day.
  World UFO Daymeans to get governments to pay attention to the existence of UFOs. Many people believe that UFOs from outer space have already visited us, and a big government cover-up is hiding the facts from the public.
  The date for this special day was chosen because it is the date of the Roswell Incident, a historical event leading to wide speculation and belief that ETs have really visited us.
  Organizers are very serious about getting everybody to believe that there are ETs, and they have been on Earth. They are trying to get the U.S. and other governments to admit to what they believe is a reality.
  lapse n. 疏忽
  speculation n. 推测,猜想
  (Do you think we have been visited by ETs?)Aka 改编
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