
来源 :珠江经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunwei_song
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目前国内现代化程度最高的大型水泥生产企业——广州珠江水泥厂,1989年2月点火投料生产后,走过了一条负债经营,继而摆脱困境迈上成功的道路。从1992年起,企业连年荣列全国行业利税十强企业,并进入了中国工业500强,年产量和利税在全国同行中名列前茅,在国内外树立了良好的企业信誉。珠江水泥厂从困境走向辉煌,无不凝聚着企业带头人——党委书记、总经理黎家强同志的心血和汗水。广州市珠江水泥厂是广州市自筹资金建设,工厂自行组织原材料供应、产品自主定价自行销售、工厂还贷的新模式建设起来的现代化大型水泥企业。也就是说,在1989年2月投产后企业进入市场,在市场经济中求生存求发展。这在广州市乃至全国都是较早摆脱计划经济旧框框而按市场经济模式运作的企业.它的成败,关系到广州市政府将珠江水泥厂的兴建与建成后的运作,作为探索企业走向市场的示范作用的关键。珠江水泥厂刚投料生产,就遇上了国家对国民经济的治理整顿,基建压缩,水泥市场价格下跌,加上建厂基建债务沉重,至1990年10月止基建贷款总额达10.7亿元。生产经营遇到了巨大困难,流动资金短缺,拖欠购买原燃材料款项,要按期偿还到期贷款本息等。党委书记、厂长黎家强同志临阵不乱. At present, China’s largest modern cement production enterprise, the Guangzhou Pearl River Cement Plant, has passed through a debt operation after it started up in February 1989. This has led to a successful solution. Since 1992, the company has been ranked among the top 10 companies in the industry in terms of profits and taxes year after year, and has entered the top 500 industrial enterprises in China. The annual output, profits and taxes rank among the top in the country and it has established a good corporate reputation at home and abroad. The Zhujiang Cement Plant has moved from its predicament to glory, and it has all mingled with the hard work and sweat of the leaders of the company, Party Secretary and General Manager Li Jiaqiang. Guangzhou Zhujiang Cement Factory is a modern large-scale cement enterprise built with self-financing funds in Guangzhou, and a new model in which the factory organizes its own raw material supply, self-sells its own sales, and repays the factory. In other words, after the company went into production in February 1989, the company entered the market and strived for development in a market economy. This is an enterprise that has been operating under the market economy model earlier than the planned economy in Guangzhou and even the entire country. Its success or failure relates to the construction of the Zhujiang Cement Plant after the completion of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, as an exploration of the company’s move to the market. The key to the demonstration role. As soon as the Zhujiang Cement Factory started to feed material, it encountered the state’s rectification of the national economy, the compression of infrastructure, the drop in the cement market price, and the heavy debts of building infrastructure. As of October 1990, the total amount of infrastructure loans reached 1.07 billion yuan. The production and operation encountered great difficulties, there was a shortage of liquidity, and the amount of funds that were in arrears for the purchase of raw materials had to be repaid on time and on schedule. Party committee secretary and director Li Jiaqiang did not mess with him.
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