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我們在测定复方奎宁注射液中的咖啡因的方法上有一点改进,写出来请大家討論並指正。过去我們厂做咖啡因含量是取5ml样品,加稀硫酸10ml,用氯仿分次提取,蒸去氯仿后,用碘量法测定。这样須用氯仿提六至七次,才能把咖啡因提淨,不但费时,且用氯仿也多。現在我們改用加濃硫酸的办法,同样可达到分解烏拉坦、使奎宁变成硫酸鹽的目的。由于被提取液的体积减少了,提取起来就很快,一般两三次就可提净,使分析时間由7小时減少到2.5—3小时,不但与前法结果一致,且能节省一半氯仿。操作方法如下: 精密测取5ml样品于分液漏斗中,边搖边滴加濃硫酸0.1~0.12ml,立即用氯仿提取,第一次用30ml, We have made some improvements in the determination of caffeine in compound quinine injections. Please write down and discuss and correct them. In the past, the caffeine content of our factory was taken as a 5ml sample, diluted with dilute sulfuric acid (10ml), and extracted with chloroform in several portions. After chloroform was evaporated, it was determined by the iodometric method. It takes six to seven times with chloroform to extract the caffeine, which is not only time consuming, but also more with chloroform. Now that we have switched to the method of adding concentrated sulphuric acid, we can also achieve the goal of decomposing urethane and converting quinine to sulphate. Since the volume of the extracted liquid is reduced, it will be extracted very quickly, generally two or three times to extract the net, so that the analysis time is reduced from 7 hours to 2.5-3 hours, not only consistent with the results of the previous method, and can save half of chloroform. The operation method is as follows: Accurately measure 5ml sample in a separatory funnel, add 0.1~0.12ml concentrated sulfuric acid while shaking, immediately use chloroform to extract, use 30ml for the first time,
本产品是一款操作简单且家庭使用的消毒液制造机,具有自主知识产权。该设备的核心反应器可将不同浓度的食盐水,制成多种用途的消毒液。消毒液的各项指标符合世界卫生组织(WHO)规定的标准。  成本低、无毒、无残留物和高效杀毒是四大卖点  本产品具有四大卖点:  一是,成本低。2升的消毒水只需要6克食盐和0.008度电,约计5分钱。  二是,无毒。据中国疾控中心检测报告显示,该产品无毒,因为原料是水和盐,没
Objective: To investigate the death mode of human hepatoma cells exposed to matrine and the role of glutathione (GSH) and cytochrome c. Methods: The MTT test an
强蛋白银及弱蛋白银的含量测定,中国药典及 B.P.(1958),B.P.C.(1954)都是采用烧灼破坏、灰化后,以硝酸溶解,硫酸铁铵作指示剂,再以硫氰酸铵滴定。这个方法的优点是,终点明显