从《水浒传》赛译本看翻译原文选择的背景——基于安德烈 勒弗维尔的意识形态翻译理论

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangxmscuosaka
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翻译作为一种跨文化交际活动,其目的不应仅仅比较两种文本在语言形式上是否对等,或是怎样对等,也应探索与翻译过程直接或间接相关的社会作用。结合勒弗维尔的翻译理论,从意识形态这一方面对赛译本《水浒传》原文选择的背景进行分析。从而证明,翻译者的研究重点应从片面的关注文本内部因素逐渐转向对文本外部因素——社会文化因素进行适当研究。 As an intercultural communicative activity, translation should not merely compare the two languages ​​whether they are equal in linguistic form or how they are equivalent. They should also explore the social roles that are directly or indirectly related to the translation process. According to Leverville’s translation theory, this article analyzes the background of the original text selection of The Translation of Water Margin from the aspect of ideology. It proves that the translator’s research focus should gradually shift from one-sided attention to the internal factors of the text to the appropriate research on the external factors of the text - social and cultural factors.
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