
来源 :疾病预防控制通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:assasad
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目的了解甘肃省兰州市疾病的构成和发生状况,为疾病的控制干预提供依据。方法按国际疾病标准编码(ICD-10)统计分析2013年兰州市疾病的构成、发生情况和就医情况。结果 2013年门诊前五位的疾病排序及构成是:上呼吸道感染(4.25%)、女性不育不孕症(3.52%)、乳房疾患(3.44%)、糖尿病(3.10%)、腹痛(2.20%);住院疾病是:糖尿病(2.37%)、非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(2.01%)、脑动脉供血不足(1.37%)、冠状动脉狭窄(1.30%)、高血压(1.13%)。结论病例就诊分布中省级以上医院门诊、住院医疗工作量过大,区级医院、卫生服务中心医疗服务工作量不足;多发病、常见病已成为影响人群健康的主要因素,医疗卫生资源的分布不合理。 Objective To understand the constitution and occurrence of diseases in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, and provide the basis for disease control intervention. Methods According to the international code of disease standard (ICD-10) statistical analysis of 2013 Lanzhou City, the composition of the disease, the situation and medical treatment. Results The rankings and constitutions of the top five outpatients in 2013 were upper respiratory tract infection (4.25%), female infertility infertility (3.52%), breast disease (3.44%), diabetes (3.10% ); Hospitalized diseases were diabetes (2.37%), non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (2.01%), cerebral arterial insufficiency (1.37%), coronary stenosis (1.30%) and hypertension (1.13%). Conclusions The distribution of cases in hospitals is outpatient at the provincial level and above, and the workload of inpatient medical services is too large. The workload of medical services in district hospitals and health service centers is not enough. The frequent and common diseases have become the main factors influencing the health of the population, and the distribution of medical and health resources unreasonable.
眼外伤是盲目的主要原因之一,我院自1984年5月~1987年1月在2年零8个月中收治眼外伤患者165例(181只眼)。现报告如下: 一、发生率:从1984年5月~1987年1月 Eye trauma is one o
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