Simulation to Predict Target Erosion of Planar DC Magnetron

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanglch234
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Plasma properties in a planar DC magnetron system are simulated by a non-self-consistent particle method in two dimensions.Through tracing the trajectories of the energeticelectrons in the specified electric field and the magnetic field,and treating the collision processby Monte Carlo method,the spatial profile of ionization events can be obtained conveniently.Assuming that the ions speed up from the ionization points and bombard the target with theenergy at these points,and according to the Yamamura/Tawara method,the target erosion canbe predicted.The magnetic field is calculated by the finite element method,and the electric fieldis estimated according to the self-consistent simulation and measured results.The influence ofthe time step size on the target erosion profile is analysed first to find a proper step size.Thenthe influence of electric field estimated on the erosion profile is discussed.The erosion profile maybecome narrower if the sheath thickness is increased.Finally,considering the dynamic erosionprocess,the erosion profile may get wider over time for the magnetron with shunt bar. Plasma properties in a planar DC magnetron system are simulated by a non-self-consistent particle method in two dimensions. Through tracing the trajectories of the energeticelectrons in the specified electric field and the magnetic field, and treating the collision process by Monte Carlo method, the Spatial profile of ionization events can be obtained conveniently. Assuming that the ions speed up from the ionization points and bombard the target with the energy at these points, and according to the Yamamura / Tawara method, the target erosion canbe predicted. magnetic field is calculated by the finite element method, and the electric fieldis estimated according to the self-consistent simulation and measured results. The influence of the time step size on the target erosion profile is analyzed first to find a proper step size. Thenthe influence of the electric field estimated on the erosion profile is discussed. the erosion profile maybecome narrower if the sheath thickness is increased .Finally, conside ring the dynamic erosionprocess, the erosion profile may get wider over time for the magnetron with shunt bar.
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