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东汉末年一场瘟疫改变了历史进程,这就是曹操想要统一南方而发动的赤壁之战。公元200年,曹操在官渡(今河南中牟)1万人迎战10万人,以少胜多,击败了北方最大的军阀集团,占据了北方大片土地。过了八年,北方另一军阀刘表病倒,荆州内部七拱八翘矛盾重重,曹操趁乱讨伐刘表,刚继位的刘琮被迫投降。曹操统一了北方,转身收拾南方两个小虾米——孙权和刘备。 A plague in the late Eastern Han dynasty changed the course of history. This was the Battle of Red Cliff that Cao Cao wanted to unify the South and launched. In AD 200, Cao Cao met 10 million people in Guandu (now Zhongmu, Henan), defeating the largest group of warlords in the north and occupying a large area in the north with less wins and more wins. After eight years, the warlords in the north, Liu Form, fell ill and there were many contradictions in the interior of the arch and the arch in the interior of Jingzhou. Cao Cao was forced to surrender to Liu Biao in disarray. Cao Cao unified the north, turned around and packed two small shrimp in the south - Sun Quan and Liu Bei.
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