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  自从柯尔斯蒂·斯莫尔获得了英国的敢作敢为荣誉奖(Respect Award For Taking A Stand)以来,她俨然成了英雄人物,人们都赞扬她对抗恶霸的勇气。但事实上,柯尔斯蒂深知被欺负的痛苦……
  I have a mole[胎块] on my face and since I was little, the kids at school made fun of me for it. I learned to rise above it though, you can’t let those people get you down.
  Intimidated [胁迫] by Gangs
  On the council estate[地方政府建的住宅群] where I live in Baldock, you used to see vandalism[故意破坏公物的行为] all over the place, and the gangs hanging around the streets would scare people so much that they avoided walking past them.
  When my friend, Siobhan, started doing a paper round[送报] they started on her.
  They’d shout all kinds of horrible stuff and threaten her whenever they saw her with the paper-delivery bag. In the end, Siobhan got so scared that she was thinking about quitting.
  “We can’t let them win,” I told her. “You want to deliver the papers, and the people you deliver them to want to read them. We’ll do the paper round together and show them that we won’t put up with[容忍] being terrorised!”
  The Fight Was On
  At first, things were really tough. We were always looking over our shoulders for the gang. If they saw us, they’d pull the bags off us and run off with the papers. One time they even set fire to them, and I burned my hands trying to put them out.
  A lot of the adults on the estate were scared to talk to the police, because they were scared that the gang would take revenge on them, but someone had to take a stand[采取某种立场] or they’d just carry on ruining our area.
  I decided to report everything to the police. I thought people should know about what was going on, so I spoke to the local newspaper and they printed an article about it.
  I wanted to send a message out to the gang that we weren’t going to silently let them get away with their
  bullying any longer.
  Taking a Stand
  From then on, things started getting better.
  The police listened to what I’d said and took action. But what was even better was that people on the estate started to stand up to the gang too.
  Our community police officer set up a Residents Association, so local people could join together to make our area nicer, and I was elected as a youth representative[代表].
  I feel so proud to have done something for my community; the estate is much safer now, people say they hardly recognise it!
  But my proudest moment of all came when I received a Special Young Person’s Respect Award from the Home Secretary[(英国)内政大臣].
  At the ceremony[典礼], he said, “These awards are a fitting way to recognise these extraordinary people.”
  Me, extraordinary! It was so exciting.
  Really, I’m just a normal girl. But since the award, I’ve been interviewed by lots of newspapers and magazines.
  I hope my story will inspire other teenagers to stand up to the yobs[游手好闲且令人讨厌的人]. It is possible to make a difference – I did, maybe you could too.
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