芜湖:明确目标 全力保电

来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwsbjh
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入冬以来,持续的低温天气使全县用电负荷不断攀升,给电网安全运行带来了一定压力,国网安徽芜湖县供电公司提前进入备战状态,全力以赴确保节日期间的用电需求,确保公司“条条线路通电、家家户户光明”的春节保供电目标顺利实现。科学调度,保证电网安全运行随着县域用电量的不断攀升,合理调度十分重要。在2016年电网较为稳定的基础上,芜湖县供电公司电力调度控制分中心进一步加强电网调度,强化停电管理,有效保证用电需求,在农历小年至元宵节期间,不安排停电施工、检修。合理调整电网运行方式,确保有两路电源供电,保证发生意外时能正常用电,并提前储存好抢修物资。加强系统运行控制和节日电网 Since the winter, continuous low temperature weather makes the county's electricity load continues to rise, bringing a certain amount of pressure on the safe operation of the grid, the State Grid Wuhu County, Anhui Power Company ahead of preparation for the state, go all out to ensure the demand during the festival of electricity, To ensure that the company “Article line power, every household bright ” Spring Festival power supply to ensure the smooth realization of the goal. Scheduling science to ensure the safe operation of power grid With the continuous rise of electricity consumption in the county, reasonable scheduling is very important. On the basis of a relatively stable power grid in 2016, Wuhu County Power Supply Company's power dispatch and control sub-center further strengthened power grid dispatching, strengthened power outage management and effectively ensured the demand for electricity. During the period from the Lunar New Year to the Lantern Festival, no power outage was planned or overhauled. Reasonable adjustment of grid operation, to ensure that there are two power supply, to ensure the normal use of electricity when an accident occurs, and save the good repair materials in advance. Strengthen system operation control and holiday grid
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有效教学互动是实现有效教学目标的前提。在新课程实施背景下,美术课堂要实现有效教学互动,教师需要优化教学设计,注重师生之间的相互倾听,注意关注学生的个体差异。 Effect