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体育市场化改革的必要性我国加入WTO谈判的15年,是确立社会主义市场经济、并以此为目标加快改革的15年。我国以WTO的规则为参照系,进行了从降低关税、放开物价、取消出口补贴、统一双重汇率、公开贸易政策、到放开国内市场的一系列改革。江泽民总书记在《财富》全球论坛香港年会的讲话中指出:“加入世界贸易组织后,中国将有步骤地扩大商品和服务贸易领域的刘外开放,为国内外企业创造公开、统一、平等竞争的条件,建立和健全符合国际经济通行的规则,符合中国国情的对外经济贸易体制,为国外企业来华进行经贸合作提供更多、更稳定的市场准入机会”。由此可见,我国加入WTO的最大挑战就是市场化改革,体育接轨国际的重要举措是加快市场化进程。 The Necessity of Sports Marketization Reform China’s 15 years of accession to the WTO negotiations was the 15 years of establishing a socialist market economy and using it as a goal to accelerate reforms. China has adopted the rules of the WTO as its frame of reference and has carried out a series of reforms ranging from reducing tariffs, opening prices, eliminating export subsidies, unification of double exchange rates, open trade policies, and liberalizing the domestic market. General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out in his speech at the Hong Kong annual meeting of the “Fortune” Global Forum: “After joining the World Trade Organization, China will gradually expand the opening of Liu’s trade in the fields of goods and services and create openness, unity and equality for domestic and foreign enterprises. The conditions for competition, the establishment and establishment of a foreign economic and trade system that conforms to the rules of the international economy, and conforms to China’s national conditions will provide more and more stable market access opportunities for foreign companies to come to China for economic and trade cooperation." It can thus be seen that the biggest challenge for China’s accession to the WTO is the market-oriented reform, and the important measure for the integration of sports with the international community is to speed up the process of marketization.
包装是产品的一个有机组成部分。在某些情况下,包装甚至成为决定一个产品成败的关键。 从杜邦公司对消费者在超级市场中的购买行为进行调查后,得出的结论是:他们是因为包装
新经济,已经成了人们生活中“宠儿”。 因为它的确定性,因为它创造了不少商业奇迹…… 戴尔就是其中的杰出代表。戴尔的成功,正是以互联网技术为依托的各种库存监控、生产监
就创意来谈论创意,不能真正使你理解好创意并且学会创意。至少,它不是捷径! 因为,孤立地就事论事会使你的认知始终停留在表层。就像对一枝破土而出的花朵,你当然需要了解花
市场特点 新加坡家电市场一向被日本、韩国和欧美品牌的产品占领,中国品牌产品一般很难见到。但是,近一段时期,新科公司的两款数码影碟机(Shinco DVD-2100和DVD-1800)和厦门
●从1989年开始,Jim一直致力于提供卓越的“人与信息传播”服务。任Grand Hyatt台北公司高级销售经理期间,Jim成功地将客户忠诚活动和第一个旅游策划大师奖计划引入台北市场
儿童是祖国的未来,我国2亿多儿童的成长需要丰富的营养,精神的、物质的。在新世纪之初,这里有许多隐藏的商机。借问商机何处有?“牧童”遥指—— Children are the future o