<i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i>in a girl suspected of sexual abuse in the c

来源 :临床医学病理报告(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a2622139
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Chlamydia trachomatis (C.tr) infections are the most prevalent bacterial sexually transmitted infections worldwide. They are often asymptomatic and therefore underdiagnosed as there is no routine screening surveillance. This case supports the possibility
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为了解西藏沙棘根际土壤可培养硝化细菌的多样性,分析研究了甘南地区三个样地西藏沙棘根际土壤中的硝化细菌.结果共分离得到32株硝化细菌,分属于4个属.硝化细菌数量最多的是样地T5-1,为每克干土(5.69±0.81)×10~5 CFU;样地T5-2硝化细菌最少,为每克干土(0.43±0.06)×10~5 CFU;样地T5-3的硝化细菌数量介于样地T5-1和T5-2之间,为每克干土(4.29±0.42)
Effective teaching mode has been practiced in English teaching for many years in China for its outstanding advantages.This article attempts to introduce the mea
读一篇美文,会让人心旷神怡,无论是字字珠玑的语言、新颖别致的结构、撼人心魄的情感,还是美妙绝伦的写法、跌宕起伏的故事都让人甘之如饴、如痴如醉。从教多年来,愈来愈觉得,一堂堂成功的语文课,就是一篇篇美文,在导入环节处激趣质疑,授课过程中朗读烘托,课堂小结时前后呼应,就一定会构建一节节高效的语文课堂,促进小学生语文能力与思想情感同步提升。  一、激趣质疑,让语文课堂“悬念”重重  教育家第斯多惠说,教
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