进入90年代以来,人类出现了回归自然及追随复古潮流之趋势,不再崇尚风行一时的超现代主义所带来的奇想,而是向往一个实实在在的温馨舒适的生活环境。这种趋势为室内装饰设计开创了一个新局面。 当前室内装饰设计的趋势,是将古典的设计元素用现代的手法表现出来,整体气氛强调温馨舒适。设计者将古代的建筑结构或设计模式进行分析研究、消化
Since the 1990s, mankind has emerged as a trend to return to nature and follow the trend of retro fashion. Instead of advocating the whims of ultra-modernism that has been popular for a while, it is a yearning for a real warm and comfortable living environment. This trend has created a new situation for interior decoration design. The current trend in interior design is to present classical design elements in a modern way. The overall atmosphere emphasizes warmth and comfort. Designers analyze and digest ancient building structures or design patterns