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管理信息系统是一个渗透到全组织中的复杂系统,其任务是支持和改善管理工作。人作为系统的主体是决定系统建设速度、质量和效能发挥的重要因素,而计算机只是系统的工具之一。管理信息系统的开发建设应该遵循以下原则:(1)把用户的需求作为出发点和归宿,以用户的积极性,用户对信息需求的强度为原则实施优先开发,有组织、有计划、自上而下地逐步实现系统的计算机化;(2)树立"项目"观,充分准确地估计系统开发之效益是否超过其研制、运行、维护所需的费用;(3)采用已经成为商品并被普遍使用而且适用于本系统的技术,妥善处理好信息处理集中与分散的关系;(4)坚持边开发边利用的路子,坚持长远工作和短线产品两手抓。 MIS is a complex system that permeates the entire organization and its mission is to support and improve management. Human beings as the main body of the system is an important factor in determining the speed, quality and effectiveness of system construction, and the computer is only one of systematic tools. Management information system development and construction should follow the following principles: (1) the user’s needs as a starting point and destination, the user’s enthusiasm, the user needs of the information strength of the principle of priority development, organized, planned, top-down And gradually realize the computerization of the system; (2) Establish the concept of “project”, fully and accurately estimate whether the benefit of system development exceeds the cost required for its development, operation and maintenance; (3) Adopt the principle of " In the system of technology, properly handle the relationship between information processing and decentralization; (4) adhere to the development and utilization of the road, adhere to the long-term work and short-term products both hands.
介绍了在数控车床上加工一种硅溶胶铸造阀盖的快速装夹夹具的结构、制造要点和使用效果。 This paper introduces the structure, manufacturing points and effect of quic
一 早春三月,春雨霏霏。这一天是1998年3月27日,时针已指向凌晨2时50分,位于常德市武陵大道南段的黑皮餐馆还没打烊,餐馆里有一桌客人正在吃着宵夜。绰号唤作“黑皮”的餐馆
介绍了STD总线工控机用于湿法磷肥生产控制原统的原理。同时还介绍该系统的硬件组成和软件设计。 The principle of STD bus industrial machine used in the control of wet p
1 资料和方法11 临床资料 86例病人全部来自门诊,男性28例,女性58例,年龄最小8岁,最大72岁,其中50岁以上占80%。双眼患病63例,单眼23例,发病最长11a,最短2个月。其中大部分
白细胞中毒指数 (LII)是判断机体免疫功能状态的指标之一 ,在一定程度上代表病变的严重程度和治疗预后 ,可作为鉴别炎性浸润和化脓病变的标准。按Kalf- Kalif公式 ,L II=(4 M