以国家战略定位 推进非公有制企业“走出去”

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非公经济作为我国国民经济最具活力的部分,在增加就业,促进经济增长、科技创新和社会和谐稳定等方面具有不可替代的作用。在中国经济进入新常态、“一带一路”愿景与行动出台等背景下,企业尤其是非公企业“走出去”具有重要意义。当前,我国不仅面临着存量经济进一步结构调整和优化升级的老问题,并且还面临着资本对外输出的新课题。面对国家在新一轮全球化中的重大战略部署,习惯于在国内注重企业所有制属性的企业政府部门尚未在思想观念上、组织准备上、政策储备上、法规建设上、市场机制上、行政管理上,为针对企业进行一视同仁的管理做好应有的准备,主要表现在:一是对中小型企业为主的非公企业对外投资服务有待改善,二是非公企业海外经营存在重复或不合理征税,三是非公企业境外投资融资待遇不公平。因此,政府必须转变理念,更多从国家战略的大处着眼,将重心放在为非公企业“走出去”提供更多实实在在的服务:一是探索构建政策扶持体系。包括建立奖励机制、创新金融政策、对非公企业投资海外的公平地位予以法律保障、适时研究税务改革。二是完善服务机制。包括建立对外信息统一统计与披露制度、发挥驻外使领馆作用、加强中介服务、简化企业人员出国(境)和外籍员工入境手续。三是加强风险预警和防范。包括由政府牵头组建专家队伍、加强政府层面的斡旋、提升企业风险防范意识。此外,我国各大自贸区应秉承改革精神,发挥先行先试的效应,成为服务非公企业“走出去”的桥头堡。 As the most dynamic part of our national economy, non-public economy plays an irreplaceable role in increasing employment, promoting economic growth, technological innovation and social harmony and stability. Under the background of China’s economy entering a new normal and “One Belt and One Road ” vision and action promulgated, it is of great significance for enterprises, especially non-public enterprises, to “go global”. At present, our country not only faces the old problems of further structural adjustment and optimization and upgrading of the stock economy, but also faces a new issue of capital export. In the face of the major strategic deployment of the state in the new round of globalization, the government departments of enterprises accustomed to focusing on the attributes of the ownership of enterprises in China have not yet made great efforts in ideological concepts, organizational preparations, policy reserves, laws and regulations, market mechanisms, In terms of management, we should make due preparations for the management of non-public enterprises based on the principle of equal treatment: First, the outward investment services of non-public enterprises, which are mainly for small and medium-sized enterprises, need to be improved; second, the non-public enterprises have repeated or unrelated overseas operations Third, taxation of non-public enterprises overseas investment financing is not fair. Therefore, the government must change its philosophy. More from the perspective of the national strategy, we should focus on providing more practical services for the non-public enterprises “going out ”. First, we must explore and build a system of supporting policies. Including setting up reward system, innovating financial policy, providing legal protection for the fair position of non-public enterprises investing overseas, and studying tax reform timely. Second, improve the service mechanism. Including the establishment of unified statistics and disclosure of information systems, give full play to the role of embassies and consulates in foreign countries, strengthen intermediary services, to simplify business people abroad (Habitat) and immigration procedures. The third is to strengthen risk warning and prevention. Including the government led the formation of team of experts to strengthen the government level offices to enhance corporate awareness of risk prevention. In addition, the major free trade zones in our country should uphold the spirit of reform and give play to the effect of pilot testing so as to become the bridgehead for serving non-public enterprises and going global.
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