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“I am an addict of thelights. I love thepower of being infront of people.When I go on stage, myblood runs faster, I feelyounger my whole bodytingles. says Julio Iglesiaswho recently occupied aplace in the Guinness Bookof Records, for havingsold more records in morelanguages than anv musicalartist in history. At 19, Iglesias was awell set-up young gent, alaw student from-a-comforthble Madrid family ”I am an addict of the lights. I love the power of being infront of people.When I go on stage, myblood runs faster, I feelyounger my whole bodytingles. says Julio Iglesiaswho recently occupied aplace in the Guinness Bookof Records, for havingsold more records In morelanguages ​​than anv musicalartist in history. At 19, Iglesias was awell set-up young gent, alaw student from-a-comforthble Madrid family
作为一名雇员.你有权得到雇主的公正待遇。不过.这条重要规则是双向的。以下是你对公司应尽的义务。 1.“做一天和尚.要撞好一天钟。” 如果你工作时磨洋工。你实际上是在对
给镜子里的自己一个甜甜的微笑,你会发现这是世界上最美的点缀。  我是需要阳光的宝贝,我是平凡的喜欢微笑的女孩,站在落地窗的前面,无数金色的赞美透过希望的绿色,承载着光线的粒子飞来,斑斓的金丝洒在地板上,我跪下来迎接微笑,金色不会流泪,所以我要继承这笔价值无量的财富。  我是一个真实的善良的人,我见不得与我同在这世上的孩子得不到天使的眷顾,我见不得上帝的偏心,所以我要将这挂满笑容的白色教袍,披上他们
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Dialogue A(A=The Foreman;B=The Chief Officer)工头大副B:When will you begin discharging?你们什么时候开始卸货?A:We’ll start at eight this morning.我们今天上午8
Dialogue A(A=The Immigration Officer;移民局官员;B=The captain;船长;)A:Good morning,Captain. I’m from the Immigration Office.船长,早晨好。我从移民局来。B:Good