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为加强社会养老保险基金收缴工作,前不久,济宁市以市政府文件发布通知,落实收缴措施,确保完成收缴任务。济宁市规定:各级政府要把社会养老保险基金的收缴列入当地政府的目标责任制和企业承包租赁合同,把收缴工作作为考核分管领导、部门负责人、企业法人代表的重要内容。凡是有能力缴纳而不按时足额缴纳社会养老保险费的企业,一律取消企业及其法人代表的各种评先、评优资格和荣誉称号。企业法人代表不得兑现承包奖金,不能晋升工资,实行年薪制试点的企业,不得兑现 In order to strengthen the collection of social pension insurance funds, not long ago, Jining City, municipal government issued a notice to implement the collection measures to ensure the completion of the collection task. Jining City regulations: governments at all levels should include the collection of social endowment insurance fund the target system of local government and contractual lease contract, the collection as a test in charge of leadership, department heads, business representatives of the important content. Those who have the ability to pay rather than pay the full amount of social insurance premiums on time enterprises, all cancel the business and its legal representative of the various evaluation, evaluation of qualifications and honorary titles. Corporate legal representative shall not honor the contract bonuses, can not be promoted to wages, the annual salary system pilot enterprises shall not be honored
Cypress半导体公司最近推出了业界先进的POSIC2GVC(CY7C9536-BIC)SONET/SDH成帧器。 Cypress半导体中国区区域经理关锦明介绍说,POSIC2GVC工作在OC-48/STM-16(2.5GbpS)速率
贵刊今年第4期有《MP3升级妙法》一文,其中叙述了将MP3压缩为MP3Pro格式的做法,我认为存在一些值得考虑的问题。 所谓MP3Pro格式,是Thomson多媒体公司和Fraunhofer学院对MP3