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厦门经济特区兴建后,厦门市按照“政企分开、自负盈亏、工贸结合、推行代理制”的原则对传统的外贸体制进行改革,初步构建了适应商品经济规徘要求的新型外贸体制。1、拓展外贸经营渠道,建立灵活、开放的外贸经营体系。特区建立以来,厦门市积极下放外贸经营权,打破了由专业外贸公司独家经营的传统格局,逐步建立了专业外贸公司、部省属工贸公司、地方外贸公司、拥有自营进出口权的生产企业及外商投资企业(主要经营自产产品出口及生产所需原辅材料的进口)等各类进出口经营机构并存,多渠道、多层次、有分工、有竞争的特区外贸经营体系。有14家地方外贸企业先后获得了全国范围内进出口业务经营权。对地方外贸公司,厦门市一开始就实行外汇分成、利润分配、以进养出等“放水养鱼”的做法,着力培育其自负盈亏的能力,大大增强了出口业 After the establishment of the Xiamen Special Economic Zone, Xiamen City reformed the traditional foreign trade system in accordance with the principle of “separation of government from enterprises, self-financing, industry-trade integration and implementation of the agency system”, and initially established a new foreign trade system that meets the requirements of the commodity economy. 1. Expand foreign trade channels and establish a flexible and open foreign trade management system. Since the establishment of the SAR, Xiamen City has actively decentralized its foreign trade management rights and broke the traditional pattern of exclusively operating foreign trade companies. It has gradually established specialized foreign trade companies, provincial trade and industry companies, local foreign trade companies and the production of self-owned import and export rights Enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises (mainly engaged in the export of self-produced products and the import of raw and auxiliary materials required for their production) and other export-import operation agencies coexist in a multinational, multi-level, multi-division and labor-intensive system of foreign trade operation in the SAR. There are 14 local foreign trade enterprises have access to the nationwide import and export business rights. For local foreign trade companies, Xiamen Municipality implemented the practice of “diversion of fish and fish” from the very beginning through the practice of foreign exchange shares and profit distribution to cultivate its own ability to make profits and losses and greatly enhance the export industry
看惯了NBA比赛,看惯了 有老外参战的CBA甲A联赛,对 于没有老外参加、均由清一色本 土球员参加的高水平的全国篮球 比赛,究竟有多高水平,人们几 乎淡忘,甚至丢失了评判的标 准
高研磨性地层应该选择什么样的金刚石钻头和钻进技术措施,是当前金刚石钻进急需解决的技术关键问题之一。 It is one of the key technical problems urgently needed to sol
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球友阮教练,襄樊人也,专业球迷,业 余教练。今年五十出头,退休后在襄樊一俱 乐部教球。 阮教练虽为业余,侃起球来却颇有几分 专业。台内挑,侧身撇,技术潮流,器材装备 样样精