
来源 :海南医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charmLover
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35 cases (rnale 24, fema1e 11, 38 eyes)of retinoblastoma (RB) were analysed clini-cally in this Paper. The ages of the patientsrangec1 from 50 days to lO years (<5 yearsold colistittlted 91. 43% of all the patients )The cotlrse of disease was shouter than tenmoilths in 3O cases. 24 cases had been 0per-ated on. (ophthalmectomy to 2O eyes, exen-teration of the orbital contents t0 4 eyes ).we found that the invading rate of opticnerves was mtlch higher in glaucoma andextraocular period than that in intraocularperi0d by analysing the results of B Alultra-sonic scan and patholgic examination. 5caese were followed up. One case Survivedafter 13 years and an0ther one recurred intwo monthe. Of the 35 cases (rnale 24, fema1e 11, 38 eyes) of retinoblastoma (RB) were analyzed clini-cally in this Paper. The ages of the patientsrange1 from 50 days to lO years (<5 yearsold colistittlted 91. 43% of all the patients ) The cotlrse of disease was shouter than tenmoilths in 3O cases. 24 cases had been 0per-ated on. (Ophthalmectomy to 2O eyes, exen-teration of the orbital contents t0 4 eyes) .we found that the invading rate of optic nerves was mtlch higher in glaucoma andextraocular period than that in intraocularperi0d by analysing the results of B Alultra-sonic scan and patholgic examination. 5caese were followed up. One case Survivedafter 13 years and an 0ther one recurred intwo monthe.
The electronic structures of QHS and DQHS were completely optimized and calculated by B3LYP density functional theory at the 6-31g* level. The relationship betw
摘 要  职业高中教育的重点在于提高学生的职业能力,为学生未来的就业打下坚实的基础。本文主要对职高计算机课程的教学目标进行了概述,在此基础上,根据教学目标的对应,详细论述了如何提高职业高中学生的计算机素养,从探究式教学法,激发学生学习计算机基础知识的兴趣,理论教学与实践教学相结合,提高学生的计算机实操能力,并积极将计算机应用到生活、学习和工作中,从而提高职业高中学生的计算机素养。  【关键词】职业
在上世纪50年代的苏联,流行音乐爱好者想方设法获取最新潮的摇滚乐。一些狂热的乐迷发明了用废旧X光片翻录黑胶唱片的技术,从此,“骨碟”作为一个特殊的文化符号盛行于整个国家,在它短暂的生命中记录下一代年轻人的苦与乐。  第一次见到苏联时代的“骨碟”(Bone Music)时,英国作家斯蒂芬·科茨几乎无法相信自己的眼睛。“当时我在想,这是一张唱片,还是一张X光片?我把那东西捡起来仔细端详,觉得两者都像。
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耳鼻咽喉科病人的死亡和误诊误治[俄]/yMAKOBΦИ//BecTHO-OPИOлap-ИHΓOл。-1994,(5~6)-38~39分析近12年耳鼻咽喉科临床死亡病人116例,成人96例,小儿20例,32.3%死于耳源性和鼻源性颅内并发症,22%死... Otolaryngology patients died and