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有关肝左动脉变异国内外文献已有报道,但由腹主动脉直接发出的胃左动脉上起始的迷走肝左动脉则少见,此外,还发现本例的左膈下动脉发自腹腔干根部左侧壁.1 男尸,15岁,在行腹后壁局解标本制作时,发现有一直接发自腹主动脉的胃左动脉,其起始部与腹腔干起始部间距1厘米,外径0.5厘米,胃左动脉自腹主动脉发出后与肝总动脉平行向右上,行至贲门分前后支沿胃小弯至角切迹与肝固有动脉发出的胃右动脉前后支分别吻合成胃小弯前后动脉弓.胃前后壁动脉弓再发出数支入胃前后壁.胃左动脉在距其起点约4.2厘米处,发出一支副肝左动脉.2 副肝左动脉外径0.5厘米,其主干与肝固有动脉平行至肝左纵沟后半距肝门中点2.7厘米处入肝内,全长3.5 Left and right hepatic artery variability has been reported in the literature both at home and abroad, but the left hepatic artery originating from the left gastric artery originating directly from the abdominal aorta is rare. In addition, the left hypogastric artery in this case was found to originate from the celiac root Left side wall .1 male corpse, 15 years old, in the abdominal posterior wall local sample preparation, we found a direct left abdominal artery originated from the aorta, the starting part of the beginning of the celiac and celiac origin spacing 1 cm, diameter 0.5 cm, the left gastric artery originating from the abdominal aorta parallel to the common hepatic artery to the right, to the cardia points before and after the branch along the curve of the curve to the lesser curvature of the anterior and posterior gastric branches of the right hepatic artery issued anastomosis before and after the gastric antrum The arch of the anterior and posterior wall of the anterior and posterior wall of the artery and then issued a few branches before and after the stomach wall.Stomach left artery about 4.2 cm from its starting point, issued a left hepatic artery .2 left hepatic artery 0.5 cm in diameter, the trunk and The hepatic artery parallel to the left longitudinal groove of the liver halfway after the midpoint of hepatic portal 2.7 cm into the liver, the full length of 3.5
本刊讯 新闻出版总署于 2 0 0 1年 1 1月 1日 ,在《中国新闻出版报》发表公告 ,向社会公布拟进入“中国期刊方阵”期刊名单 ,并在中国期刊展上进行集中展示 ,接受读者监督。
新春佳节来临,忙碌了一年的人们拥向各个大商场和超市,精心挑选购买年货,准备欢欢喜喜过个年。 记得十多年前,还没有这么多大商场和超市,买年货是件让人既头痛、又费心的事
<正> 在改革开放的进程中,中国农民最早迈出了改革的步伐。科学全面地把握中国农民的文化心理及社会心理特征,既是中国农村经济建设与社会发展所必需的理论前提,也是心理学、社会学、文化人类学得以丰富和发展的重要源泉。然而,长期以来我国社会心理学的研究大多只
本刊讯(记者温丽薇)7月25日,2003年度《质量天地》杂志发行工作会议在哈尔滨召开。来自全省80多个地市县质量技术监督系统代表应邀出席会 Benxi hearing (Reporter Wen Liwei)