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健力宝队重回巴西留学,使最近一段时间以来的“健力宝队未来”之争论暂告一段落。近一段时间以来,本栏目收到了来自全国各地的数百篇征文,大家为健力宝的未来出谋划策,为中国足球的未来披肝沥胆。在此,主持人对全国球迷表示诚挚的感谢! 健力宝队的未来虽然可以暂告一段落,但是中国足球的未来是永远没有“告一段落”的时候的。世界杯大赛在即,大家都注视着这一“热点中的热点”,但即使中国队冲出亚洲又如何?冲出亚洲不是一锤子买卖,不是只冲一次就够了,因此,从这个意义上讲,中国足球的希望还是在于未来。吸引更多的人把目光投向中国足球未来之路这个“重点中的重点”,是本栏目的宗旨,欢迎广大球迷朋友继续拨打我们的热线电话,继续给我们来信来稿,和我们一起探讨关于中国足球的未来的一切话题:青少年培养、足球学校、校园足球、足球留学…… 本刊今后将长期设立热线电话(010)67634602,由本刊几位资深记者、编辑主持,并不时邀请一些知名人士做客编辑部,采用“无主题闲聊”方式,与广大球友侃足球、交朋友,建立一道轻松的、活泼的、不失幽默的电波桥梁。请记住:您的参与是对我们的支持,而我们大家的支持是中国足球前进的动力。 Jianlibao returned to Brazil to study abroad, so that the recent period of “Jianlibao future” debate came to an end. Recently, this section has received hundreds of essays from all over the country, we advise the future of Jianlibao, for the future of Chinese football Phlegmy. Here, the host expressed his sincere thanks to the national fans! Although the future of Jianlibao can be temporarily ended, but the future of Chinese football is never “come to an end.” The World Cup is just around the corner, and everybody looks at this “hot spot in the hot spot.” But even if the Chinese team is out of Asia? It is not a one-shot deal to go out of Asia. It is enough in this sense. , The hope of Chinese football still lies in the future. Attracting more people to look into the future of Chinese football The “focus of the key” is the purpose of this column, welcome to our fans and friends continue to call our hotline, continue to write a letter to us and discuss with us about China Football future all topics: youth training, football school, football school, football study ... ... The future will be the establishment of long-term hotline (010) 67634602, by a few senior journalist, editor and chair, and from time to time invited some celebrities Guest editorial department, the use of “non-theme chat” approach, with the majority of ball kan football, make friends, to establish a relaxed, lively, yet humorous radio wave bridge. Remember: Your participation is our support, and the support of all of us is the driving force behind the progress of Chinese football.
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