
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y4o1999
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近年来,部队生产经营几经拼搏,已从自给性生产的窠臼中走了出来,成为社会主义商品经济的一个重要组成部分。不少单位借改革开放的大潮,建起了不少工厂企业。但我们面对现实又不难发现,部队的工厂企业知名度较高的、竞争力较强的,并没有多少。不少厂长、经理面对不景气的工厂企业在焦虑,在思考。笔者认为,决定企业命运的因素尽管很多,但最根本的问题还在于企业产品。 In recent years, the military’s production and operation have struggled several times, and it has emerged from the hustle of self-sufficiency production, becoming an important component of the socialist commodity economy. Many units have built a lot of factories and enterprises through the tide of reform and opening up. However, we face the reality and it is not difficult to find that there are not many high-profile and highly competitive factories and enterprises in the military. Many factory managers and managers are in anxiety and thinking about the downturn of the factory. The author believes that although there are many factors that determine the destiny of the company, the most fundamental problem lies in the products of the company.
云南冶金集团总公司是国家520户国家重点企业之一。云南驰宏锌锗股份有限公司 ,是云南冶金集团总公司下属的重点骨干企业之一。2004年4月20日在上海证券交易所发行每股面值1.
用数学解析方法对桥梁中正交异性桥面进行了位移及内力分析,将其结论与其它数值方法(有限元法、插分法)进行比较,证明是准确的 The displacement and internal forces of the or
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上海市工业系统按照上海市委、市政府提出的搞好国营大中型企业的总的设想,从去年9月开始进行转换企业经营机制的改革试点,到目前为止,进行“转换机制,放开经营” In accor