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一九五四年我省各级教育行政部门和各地中、小学,在党与政府的领导下,在教工会与青年团的密切配合下,大力进行了劳动生产的宣传教育和毕业学生升学就业的指导工作,学生们对于劳动的观点和认识,对待劳动人民的态度均有所提高,毕业后未能升学的学生也均能响应政府号召,服从国家分配,积极从事各项生产建设工作。学生家长中一般也能正确地对待子女的升学就业问题;开始那种不满情绪,错误思想,以及一些不正确的社会舆论,也均有所扭转。各级政府在组织与指导学生的升学就业方面也妥善地进行了工作,使招生任务得以顺利完成;未能升学的学生,大部分均得到了就业机会,为工农业生产输送了一批新生力量。这些成绩均是比较显著的。但也存在着不少问题。这主要的是:对劳动教育的长期性艰巨性认识不足,把劳动教育与升学就业指导工作,当成了临时突击任务,暑期后普遍产生了松一口气的现象。在进 In 1954, under the leadership of the party and the government, educational administrations at all levels in our province and all primary and secondary schools in all parts of the country, under the leadership of the party and the government, worked closely with the trade unions and the youth league to vigorously carry out publicity and education on labor production and employment promotion The students’ attitudes toward labor and their attitudes towards working people all improved. Students who failed to further their studies after graduation also responded to the government’s call and obeyed the state’s distribution and actively engaged in various production and construction work. Parents of parents generally can also correctly deal with their children’s employment in higher schools. At the same time, the kind of grievances, wrong ideas and some incorrect public opinions started to be reversed. Governments at all levels also conducted proper work in organizing and guiding their students for further studies and employment so that enrollment tasks could be successfully completed. Most of the students who failed to go to higher education were given job opportunities, sending a number of freshmen for industrial and agricultural production . These results are more significant. But there are also many problems. The main points are: lack of understanding of the long-term arduous task of labor education, and employment and labor education as a temporary surprise task. After the summer, there was a general relief phenomenon. In progress
摘要 在大力开展中小学教师继续教育活动中,合理安排教育内容,精心选择教学方法显得尤为重要。继续教育的内容设置可以从继续教育本身的特点,即延续性、连续性、针对性、多样性、层次性、训用一致性等角度去发掘。  关键词 中小学教师;继续教育;教育内容;教学方法  中图分类号 G541.2  文献标识码 A  文章编号 1671-1270(2011)03-0004-01    国家教育部第7号令《中小学教师