
来源 :中国实用妇科与产科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hu_20092009
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目的探讨雌激素(17β-雌二醇,E2)、孕激素(P)及其不同配伍对子宫内膜癌Ishikawa细胞体外生长的影响,为临床子宫内膜癌患者术后激素补充治疗(HRT)提供理论依据。方法体外培养人子宫内膜癌Ishikawa细胞株。实验组分别加入不同浓度E2(E2组)、P(P组)及二者不同浓度配伍(E2+P组);对照组加入0.01%乙醇。观察细胞形态变化;测定细胞的增殖、凋亡和细胞周期变化。结果 Ishikawa细胞吸光度(A值)及增殖促进率均随E2浓度的增加呈逐渐上升趋势。E2浓度增至10-8~10-6mol/L,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01)。相反,P和E2+P两组均随P浓度的增加,对Ishikawa细胞增殖抑制率逐渐升高(P<0.05,P<0.01)。E2终浓度增至10-6mol/L,P终浓度10-5及0.5×10-4mol/L时,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对照组Ishikawa细胞大多处于G0/G1期。经E2、P作用后,细胞周期发生改变,E2组S期细胞比例上升,凋亡率下降(P<0.01);P组和E2+P组G0/G1期细胞比例上升,S期比例下降,凋亡率上升。E2组Ishikawa细胞数量增多,核分裂相多见。P组和E2+P组则见Ishikawa细胞数目减少,细胞明显皱缩,体积变小,凋亡小体多见。结论 E2对Ishikawa细胞有促增殖、抗凋亡作用;P则抑制Ishikawa细胞增殖,并诱导其凋亡;E2+P是否具有抑制细胞增殖并诱导凋亡的作用与E2和P具体配伍浓度有关;合理的E2+P配伍不促进Ishikawa细胞的增殖。 Objective To investigate the effects of estrogen (17β-estradiol, E2), progesterone (P) and their different compatibility on the growth of endometrial carcinoma cell line Ishikawa in vitro, and to investigate the effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Provide a theoretical basis. Methods Ishikawa cells were cultured in vitro. The experimental group were given different concentrations of E2 (E2 group), P (P group) and the two different concentrations of compatibility (E2 + P group); control group by adding 0.01% ethanol. Observation of cell morphology changes; determination of cell proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle changes. Results Ishikawa cells absorbance (A value) and proliferation promotion rate were increased with the increase of E2 concentration was gradually increased. E2 concentration increased to 10-8 ~ 10-6mol / L, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05, P <0.01). In contrast, the inhibitory rate of Ishikawa cells proliferation increased gradually with the increase of P concentration in P and E2 + P groups (P <0.05, P <0.01). E2 final concentration increased to 10-6mol / L, P final concentration of 10-5 and 0.5 × 10-4mol / L, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Most of Ishikawa cells in control group were in G0 / G1 phase. After E2 and P treatment, the cell cycle changed, the proportion of cells in S phase increased and the apoptosis rate decreased in E2 group (P <0.01). The proportion of cells in G0 / G1 phase increased and the proportion of S phase decreased in P group and E2 + P group. The rate of apoptosis increased. The number of Ishikawa cells increased in E2 group, mitotic phase more common. In P group and E2 + P group, the number of Ishikawa cells was decreased, the cells were significantly shrunk, the volume became smaller, and the apoptotic bodies were more common. Conclusion E2 can promote proliferation and anti-apoptosis of Ishikawa cells. P inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of Ishikawa cells. Whether E2 + P can inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis is related to the concentration of E2 and P; Reasonable E2 + P compatibility does not promote Ishikawa cell proliferation.
目的 :建立HPLC法测定化痰止咳片中黄芩苷的含量。方法 :采用C18化学键合硅胶柱 ,以甲醇 水 醋酸 (43∶5 7∶1)为流动相 ,UV检测波长 2 76nm。结果 :平均回收率为 98.3% ,R
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