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1984年前,平度市基本依据棉花耐碱、花生耐瘠、小麦玉米喜肥的特点,实行■油洼棉平川粮。36年来加权平均,粮食亩产166.2公斤,花生亩产104.2公斤,棉花亩产31.9公斤。1985年后,实行油下川洼粮上■,粮油轮作,5年加权平均亩产粮食659.1公斤,亩产花生263公斤,亩产棉花54.5公斤。粮棉油增产的原因很多,其中粮油轮作后,互补了养分,抑制了病虫,实现了生态平衡,形成了良性循环是主要原因之一。 一、材料和方法 1、病虫消长情况是通过多年试验观察所得。 Before 1984, Pingdu City, basically based on cotton alkali resistance, peanut resistance barren, wheat and corn like fertilizer, the implementation of ■ oil paddy Hirakawa grain. 36 years weighted average, grain 166.2 kilograms per mu, peanut mu produce 104.2 kilograms, cotton 31.9 kilograms per mu. After 1985, the implementation of oil under the grain Waichuan grain, grain and oil rotation, 5-year weighted average yield of 659.1 kilograms of grain per mu 263 kg of peanuts, 54.5 kg of mu of cotton. Grain and cotton oil production for many reasons, including grain and oil rotation, complement each other nutrients, inhibit pests and diseases, to achieve ecological balance, forming a virtuous circle is one of the main reasons. First, materials and methods 1, pest and disease growth and decline is observed through many years of experimental income.