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收集邮票,除了进行文化欣赏外,不少集邮者总希望能有保值增值的效应,这也是全世界集邮者共同的心愿。然而严酷的现实情况是,集邮保值增值只是集邮者的一种可遇不可求的良好愿望。我们先看看新中国邮票的市场走向:1997年,在重庆举办的全国邮展上,一部新中国邮票大全曾以42万元人民币的高价成交。而现在,同样的邮票其市价只达当时成交价的三分之一而已。集邮保值增值不是不可能,只是需 Apart from conducting cultural appreciation, many stamp collectors hope to have the effect of increasing their value added. This is also the common aspiration of the world’s collectors. However, the harsh reality is that the appreciation of the value of philatelic products is only a valuable wish of a philatelist. Let’s take a look at the market trend of new stamps in China: In 1997, at a national postal exhibition held in Chongqing, a new stamp book of China was traded at a price of RMB420,000. Now, the market price of the same stamps is only one-third of the current transaction price. Philately value added is not impossible, just need
7月13日,一个意义非凡的日子。两年前的这一天,随着萨马兰奇先生读出“北京”这个渴盼已久的名字,北京沸腾了,全中国沸腾了。 7月13日,一个激情飞扬的日子。两年后的这一天,
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