Risk factors for retinopathy associated with interferon α-2b and ribavirin combination therapy in pa

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssathena
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AIM: To elucidate the frequency and risk factors for retinopathy in patients with chronic hepatitis C who are treated by interferon-ribavirin combination therapy.METHODS: We prospectively analyzed 73 patients with histologically confirmed chronic hepatitis C, who underwent combination therapy for 24 wk. Optic fundi were examined before, and 2, 4, 12 and 24 wk after the start of combination therapy.RESULTS: Fourteen patients (19%) developed retinopathy, which was initially diagnosed by the appearance of a cotton wool spot in 12 patients. Retinal hemorrhage was observed in 5 patients. No patient complained of visual disturbance. Retinopathy disappeared in 9 patients (64%)despite the continuation of combination therapy. However, retinopathy persisted in 5 patients with retinal hemorrhage. A comparison of the clinical background between the groups with and without retinopathy showed no significant differences in age, gender, viral genotype, RNA level, white blood cell count, platelet count, prothrombin time, complications by diabetes mellitus or hypertension,or pretreatment arteriosclerotic changes in the optic fundj. However, multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that complication by hypertension was observed with a high frequency in the group with retinopathy (P=0.004,OR=245.918, 95% CI=5.6-10786.2).CONCLUSION: Retinopathy associated with combination therapy of interferon α-2b and ribavirin tends to develop in patients with hypertension.
自然分娩是分娩方式的一种,所有妊娠>28 周、胎儿自子宫向体外脱离的过程均称之为分娩,按照孕周时间将分娩划分为早产、足月产、过期产 3种形式;其中早产指孕周<37周;足月产指
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肩膀僵硬    握鼠标,敲键盘等动作会使你无意识将肩膀拱起来,肌肉一直绷着,无法带来新养分,废物也无法被顺利运走,肩膀经常会感到酸痛。