维戈大学游泳馆 一个望向校园的广阔平台

来源 :城市环境设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:upup2004
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项目选址在大学校园内的最高点,场地位置使奥伦塞城与校园之间的关联平添了特殊的价值,而两者现在被一条繁忙的街道所阻隔。项目定位为休闲场所,这既可以服务大学社区,而且奥伦赛城的人们也将帮助提升建筑价值,使其成为城市互动中的重要一环。特殊的场地位置启发了项目主要的概念和形式创作。建筑被设定为一个巨大的平台,朝向校园,且整体的功能组织都源于这一理念。用户将从抬高的平台上看到校园及其建筑,而游泳池就包含于平台之内。平台设计采用大胆的投影,以坚固的基底做支撑,除了弥补现有的落差,更塑造了泳池,包含了所有的水处理设施和项目正常运行所必需的系统。这个厚重的结合地形的基础,与悬挑出来 The project is sited at the highest point of the university campus and the location of the venue added a special value to the relationship between Ourense and the campus, which are now being blocked by a busy street. The project is positioned as a place of recreation that serves both the university community and the people of Orense, which will also help enhance the value of the building and make it an important part of the city’s interactions. The special venue location inspired the project’s main concepts and forms of creation. The building is set as a huge platform that faces the campus, and the overall functional organization stems from this philosophy. Users will see the campus and its buildings from the raised platform, and the pool will be included in the platform. The bold design of the platform, backed by a solid foundation, complements the existing drop and shapes the pool, incorporating all the water treatment facilities and systems necessary for the proper operation of the project. This thick foundation of the terrain, with the cantilever out
来自孩子的声音:“我喜欢阅读”  张小倩是宁县早胜小学六年级学生,她告诉记者:“我每天都会抽时间读书,我最喜欢周末和假期,可以自由地安排阅读时间”。她已读过《白雪公主》《少女的红发卡》《唐诗三百首》《西游记》等40多本课外读物。  她还告诉记者,从记事时起,父母每年送给她的生日礼物都是一本书。她拿出书包里正在阅读的《格林童话》,在扉页上记者看到,这本书就是小倩过11岁生日时爸爸送给她的。同时,在书
患者 女性 50岁农民。因精神淡漠,易怒20年,按“精神病”治疗无效,症状逐年加重,左眼视力减退10个月,疑“颅内占位病变”于1991年7月15日住院。查体:欠合作,神志尚清,反应迟
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