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  You may have heard about the Great Lakes in North America. Well, not far from the Five Great Lakes lies a pattern of beautiful smaller lakes in the west-central section of American’s New York. To be exact, they are between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. These 11 crystalclear lakes spread like fingers across the region, thus, they are known as the Finger Lakes.

  As an old saying goes, beauty is in the eye of
  the gazer. I dare to say everyone who has visited the Finger Lakes will 1)marvel at their 2)tranquility and grace. I am one of these lake gazers. My recent visit to the Finger Lakes only deepened my love for this 3)fertile land, which feeds acres of farmland, and mile after mile of 4)vineyards. Centuries ago, Native Americans settled around these lakes. Their legend lives on in the names of these fresh water lakes: Conesus, Hemlock, Canadice, Honeoye, Canandaigua, Keuka, Seneca, Cayuga, Owasco, Skaneateles, and Otisco.
  I spent two days exploring the biggest Finger Lakes—Cayuga Lake and Seneca Lake. The Indian name Cayuga means “Boat Landing”, and Seneca means “Place of the Stone” or “Stoney Place”. These two big lakes are also the most visited ones. Tens of thousands of tourists and summer 5)residents 6)flood into the lake region starting from Memorial Day注1 weekend, which falls on the last Monday of each May. In May, the lake region is covered with 7)lush 8)greenery. From endless fields to 9)rolling hills, from grape vines about a teenager’s height in orderly rows to the 10)towering trees that 11)shade the 12)mountain range, each and every 13)perspective offers varied shades of green. The 14)flickering leaves in the sun and the dancing branches in the 15)breeze, together with the 16)palette of flowers, get me every time.

  Just when I am bathing in the sea of color, a silver belt in between two mountain ranges shines in front of me. The belt is actually the 17)sparkling water from the lakes. The closer I get to it, the more it pulls me in. From the map you will see both Cayuga Lake (to the east) and Seneca Lake (to the west) are long and thin and next to one another. There is a canal in the north tip connecting both lakes. The Cayuga Seneca Canal connects these two lakes to the Erie Canal which runs through the Finger Lakes to the north. Each lake is connected by rivers 18)ultimately leading into Lake Ontario, which lies on the 19)border between Canada and the United States.   Well, in 20)reality, the silver belt of water can be either Cayuga Lake or Seneca Lake, because both of them sit between two 21)evenly 22)moderate high grounds. However, the 23)statistics show with 40 miles in length and 96 miles of shoreline, Cayuga is the longest of the Finger Lakes and the lowest to sea level; whereas Seneca is the deepest of the Finger Lakes at a maximum depth of 618 feet. Imagine that a 62-floor building could stand underwater!

  To visit Cayuga Lake, you won’t miss its largest city—Ithaca, which is home of one of the Ivy League注2 schools—Cornell University. And did you know that Connell’s campus 24)overlooks Cayuga Lake? As its 25)Alma Mater sings, “Far above Cayuga’s waters, with its waves of blue, stands our noble Alma Mater, 26)glorious to view. Lift the 27)chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises tell. 28)Hail to 29)thee, our Alma Mater! Hail, all hail, Cornell!” On this trip I happened to see the proud Cornell graduates in their redand-black caps and gowns, welcomed by joyous families and friends with 30)bouquets in hand.

  The Finger Lakes area is New York State’s largest wine producing region. In fact, the area’s wine trails are very popular. These trails 31)showcase local 32)wineries and tastings are often not limited to just wine—beer, juices, 33)ciders and 34)mead can be sipped throughout the region. It’s also 35)notable that Seneca Lake seldom freezes in winter. Therefore, there are more wineries along Seneca Lake than any other Finger Lake. And if you need a break from numerous water sports on the lakes—fishing, swimming, 36)canoeing, 37)kayaking, you name it—the Wine Trail, Cheese Trail and Brew Trail may satisfy your sense of taste.

  I finished my lake ride along the Y-shaped Keuka Lake. Keuka Lake is the only Finger Lake with an 38)outlet into another Finger Lake—Seneca Lake. Gazing at the fresh water and hearing the waves rocking against the stony beach, I feel as relaxed and 39)reflective as the lake. Lake-effect weather is well known in the Finger Lakes area. Perhaps these lakes are as 40)influential to the 41)atmosphere as to humans. This lake gazer is truly 42)hooked.

  你可能已经听过北美洲的五大湖。其实,在距离五大湖不远的美国纽约州中西部,还有一个规模较小的美丽湖群。准确来说,它们位于安大略湖和伊利湖中间。十一个清澈见底的湖泊就像手指一样散布于这个区域,因此得名“手指湖”。   有句老话说,情人眼里出西施。我敢说,去过手指湖的人都会惊叹其宁静与优雅。而我就是凝视这些湖(并被吸引)的人之一。最近一次去手指湖,又加深了我对这片滋养了万顷农田和绵延数里葡萄园的肥沃土地的爱意。早在数百年前,美洲土著就已经在这些湖边定居。这些淡水湖的名字至今仍回响着关于他们的传说。它们的名字是科尼瑟斯湖、汉姆莱克湖、卡那迪斯湖、霍尼欧耶湖、卡南代瓜湖、库卡湖、塞尼卡湖、卡尤加湖、欧瓦斯科湖、斯卡尼阿特勒斯湖以及奥蒂斯科湖。



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  北美五大湖(Great Lakes)是世界最大的淡水湖群,是北美洲的苏必利尔湖、密歇根湖、休伦湖、伊利湖和安大略湖等五个相连湖泊的总称,有“北美大陆地中海”之称。五大湖除密歇根湖属于美国外,其余四湖均跨美国和加拿大两国。五大湖总面积24.5万平方公里,其中美国占72%,加拿大占28%。总蓄水容量约2.3万立方千米,约占全世界淡水总量的五分之一。
  夏洛蒂·勃朗特曾经在《简·爱》里写到“Beauty is in the eye of the gazer.”这句话中的gazer可以用beholder(观看者)代替,意思是,不同的人对美的定义都不同,也就是我们常说的“情人眼里出西施”。例如:Personally, I can’t understand why she finds him attractive, but they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.(就自己而言,我真搞不懂她为什么觉得他有魅力,但他们说,情人眼里出西施。)
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  康奈尔大学(Cornell University)是一所位于美国东北纽约上州伊萨卡市的世界顶级研究型综合大学,另有两所分校位于美国纽约市和卡塔尔教育城,是著名的常春藤联盟成员,共有四十多位师生曾获诺贝尔奖。
  1) marvel at 对……惊奇
  2) tranquility [7trAN5kwIlItI] n. 宁静   3) fertile [5f\:taIl] a. 肥沃的
  4) vineyard [5vInjB:d] n. 葡萄园
  5) resident [5rezIdEnt] n. 居民,住户
  6) flood [flQd] v. 涌到,冲进
  7) lush [lQF] a. 茂盛的,青葱的
  8) greenery [5^ri:nErI] n. 绿叶,绿树
  9) rolling [5rEJlIN] a. 起伏不平的
  10) towering [5taJErIN] a. 高耸的
  11) shade [FeId] v. 遮蔽/ n. 阴影
  12) mountain range 山脉
  13) perspective [pE5spektIv] n. 角度
  14) flickering [5flIkErIN] a. 闪烁的,摇曳的
  15) breeze [bri:z] n. 微风
  16) palette [5pAlIt] n. 调色板
  17) sparkling [5spB:kElIN] a. 闪闪发光的
  18) ultimately [5QltImEtlI] ad. 最终
  19) border [5bC:dE] n. 边界
  20) reality [rI5AlItI] n. 现实
  21) evenly [5i:vEnlI] ad. 均匀地,平坦地
  22) moderate [5m?dErEt] a. 中等的,适中的
  23) statistics [stE5tIstIks] n. 统计数字
  24) overlook [EJvE5lJk] v. 俯瞰
  25) Alma Mater 校歌;母校
  26) glorious [5^lC:rIEs] a. 光荣的,显赫的
  27) chorus [5kC:rEs] n. 合唱
  28) hail [heIl] v. 欢呼,致敬
  29) thee [Ti:] pron.(古)你
  30) bouquet [bu:5keI] n. 花束
  31) showcase [5FEJkeIs] v. 使展现
  32) winery [5waInErI] n. 葡萄酒酿造厂
  33) cider [5saIdE] n. 苹果酒
  34) mead [mi:d] n. 蜂蜜酒
  35) notable [5nEJtEbEl] a. 值得注意的
  36) canoe [kE5nu:] v. 划独木舟
  37) kayak [5kaIAk] v. 划皮船
  38) outlet [5aJtlet] n. 出口
  39) reflective [rI5flektIv] a. 沉思的
  40) influential [InflJ5enFEl] a. 有影响的
  41) atmosphere [5AtmEsfIE] n. 大气
  42) hook [hJk] v. 沉迷
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