Improvement of Service Life and Reliability of SEN for TSCC

来源 :China's Refractories | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuanhezyong
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SEN is a key relative technology to TSCC, the quality of which influences not only the heats of continuous casting but also the stream field in the mould. The powder line is the key part of SEN, that determines the continuous casting life. In this study the microstructure of used SEN samples were examined by SEM, the causes of the abnormal erosion phenomena were analyzed from slag corrosion mechanism, reactions between carbon containing refractories and slag and molten steel, properties of refractories. The improvement of the quality of SEN were achieved by adjusting the graphite content and composite structure designing of SEN’s powder line. SEN is a key relative technology to TSCC, the quality of which influences not only the heats of continuous casting but also the stream field in the mold. The powder line is the key part of SEN, that determines the continuous casting life. the microstructure of used SEN samples were examined by SEM, the causes of the abnormal erosion phenomena were analyzed from slag corrosion mechanism, reactions between carbon containing refractories and slag and molten steel, properties of refractories. The improvement of the quality of SEN were achieved by adjusting the graphite content and composite structure designing of SEN’s powder line.
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